Confucius said: if we use political means to restrain people and use criminal law to regulate order, people will try to avoid it without being ashamed; Enlighten people's conscience with moral education and regulate order with courtesy, and people will abide by order and be brave after knowing shame.
"What is serving the people?" Asked the sorrowful public. Confucius said to him: "If you make a mistake, the people will obey you;" If you put forward something wrong, the people will not accept it. "
Lu Aigong asked, "How can we make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "the upright and selfless people will be promoted, the evil people will be put aside and the people will obey;" If the wicked are promoted and the upright and selfless are put aside, the people will not obey the rule. "
3 "Jun Jun, Minister, Father, Son.
Qi Jinggong asked Confucius how to govern the country, and Confucius said, "Jun Jun, minister, father and son." (Yan Yuan) That is, to govern a country well, a monarch should be like a monarch, a minister should be like a minister, a father should be like a father, and a son should be like a son.
Lutz said, "Wei Jun takes the son as the government, and the son must learn it first?" Confucius said, "It must make sense!" Lutz said, "Yes, I am, and I am pedantic! Qi Zheng Qi? " Confucius said, "Wild is wild! If a gentleman doesn't know, he can't be punished. Incorrect names and words are not fluent; Words are not smooth, things are not smooth; If you can't do it, you will be happy; If the ceremony and music are not prosperous, the punishment will be lost; If the punishment is not correct, the people will be at a loss. Therefore, the name of a gentleman must be spoken, and words must be feasible. The words of a gentleman are nothing but nothing. "
Lutz said to Confucius, "Wang Wei wants you to govern the country. What are you going to do first? " Confucius said, "First of all, we should correct our name." Lutz said, "Has anyone ever done this? What you think is out of place. How is this name correct? " Confucius said, "Zhong You is really rude. A gentleman is always skeptical about what he doesn't know. If the birthright is not right, it will be unreasonable to speak, and if it is unreasonable to speak, it will not be done. Nothing can be done, and music can't be promoted. If rites and music cannot flourish, the execution of punishment will not be appropriate. If the punishment is not appropriate, the people will not know what to do. Therefore, a gentleman must be named, must be able to make it clear, and must be able to do it. A gentleman never treats his words and deeds casually. "
Confucius said, "If you are honest, what does it matter if you go into politics?" ? Can't be right, like a right person? "
Confucius said, "If you correct your behavior, what is the difficulty in managing political affairs?" ? If you can't correct your behavior, how can you let others correct it? "
Confucius said, "If you know it, you can't keep it. If you get it, you lose it. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, and disrespectful people will be disrespectful. Knowing it, benevolence can keep it, Zhuang can reward it, and it is disrespectful. " (Wei Linggong)
The position gained by cleverness cannot be maintained by virtue. Although you have gained your position, you are sure to lose it. If you gain status by wisdom, you can maintain it by virtue. If you don't govern the people seriously, then the people won't respect him. It is not perfect to gain status by wisdom, protect status by virtue, govern people by earnest attitude and educate people by courtesy.
Confucius said, "What matters is: people, food, mourning and sacrifice. Be lenient with others and win the hearts of the people. If you believe, you will be responsible to the people. If you are going to make meritorious deeds, say it. " (Yao Yue)
We value four things: people, food, funerals and sacrifices. Generosity can win everyone's support, honesty can be appointed by others, diligence can achieve results, and fairness will make people fair.
Confucius said, "Be a teacher first, forgive minors and cultivate talents." . (Luz)
Confucius said, "Appoint the heads of ministries first, forgive the minor faults of subordinates, and promote people with both ability and political integrity."
9 Confucius said, "Governing by doing nothing is smooth?" ? What is a husband? Gong Ji faces south. "
People who govern by doing nothing are as clever as Shun Di. What else do they need to do?
10 Ai Gong asked, "What is serving the people?" Confucius said to him: "If you make a mistake, the people will obey you;" If you put forward something wrong, the people will not accept it. "
Lu Aigong asked, "What can be done to make the people obey?" Confucius replied: "promote and use upright people, so that they can be above those who bend, and the people will obey;" "People will not accept the idea of elevating the deviant to the upright."
1 1 Confucius said: "To govern a big country, you can cook a little fresh."
Governing a big country should be like frying a small fish. Don't turn over frequently, destroying the integrity of the fish.