As the saying goes, disease enters through the mouth and disaster comes out of the mouth. Since ancient times, keeping one's mouth in check has been a great virtue. In this regard, there are many famous sayings from the ancients.
In "The Book of Changes", Confucius said: "A gentleman who lives in his room and speaks good words will be answered thousands of miles away, let alone those who are close by; if he lives in his room and speaks well, he will respond to you thousands of miles away. If it is not good, it will be violated even if it is far away. Words come from the body and reach the people; words and deeds are the source of honor and disgrace. Is it because a gentleman moves the world carelessly?"
In "The Book of Changes", Confucius said: "Chaos arises when words are regarded as order." If a minister is not secretive, he will lose his virginity, and if matters are not secretive, he will be harmed. This is why a gentleman keeps secrets and does not leave them.” A moment of silence."
Song Dynasty Wen Tianxiang's "The Rhythm of Harmonious Words": "The predecessors are like a bottle of warning. Silence is better than words."
Yan Zhitui's "Yan's Family Instructions": "The book of the husband's sages teaches people to be honest and filial, be cautious in their words and pick up traces, and establish themselves and become famous."
Hong Yingming's "Cai Gen Tan": " "Be quiet and then you will know that being active is overwork; cultivate silence and then you will know that talking too much is impetuous." Confucius's "The Analects of Confucius": "A gentleman thinks he knows when he speaks, and he doesn't know when he speaks. He cannot speak carelessly." ."
Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty's "Third Statement on Building Rivers": "False words are hated by everyone."
Laozi's "Laozi Chapter 56": "Those who know do not speak, and those who speak do not know."
Jin Ying's "Proverbs Lian Bi? Jie Wu": "The most important thing is to cultivate oneself with a pure heart, and the most important thing is to be cautious in speaking when dealing with the world."
< p> Guan Zhong: "To talk too much but not to speak properly is not as good as to have too few words."Being cautious in speaking is one of the most important requirements for cultivating the body and mind. Understanding more about the ancients’ views on “being cautious in speaking” and practicing it will be of great help to our work and life.