First, we must be a good “person”. First, be honest and trustworthy. "A person cannot stand without trust." Integrity is the foundation of a person's standing in society. There is a lack of integrity in the current society. People desire and call for integrity. Honesty and trustworthiness are the minimum requirements for a national public official; secondly, one must have a positive attitude. There is a famous saying: "If your mind is not as big as the sea, how can you have a career like the sea?"
When we get along with others, we should pay more attention to the strengths and advantages of others, and treat others with sunshine. When dealing with people, you should always look for the good, look from a distance, and treat things with sunshine; third, you must know how to be grateful. Every day we have to deal with different people around us. Among these people are our relatives, friends, leaders and colleagues, as well as those we serve. Most of them care, understand and support us.
While we feel the love every day, we should also take a moment to think about: Who should I thank today? Gratitude is an attitude towards life. With a grateful heart, you will find that happiness is simpler and life is better.
Second, we must do "things" well. To be a good "person" is to do a good "thing" better. To do good things, you must pay attention to five points: First, you must be enterprising. Entrepreneurship is the inexhaustible driving force for career development.
Based on your own position, always maintain a striving for the top mentality, and strive to be the best in your position; second, you must know the importance. Every day we have to deal with different tasks at hand.
Among these tasks, there are some that are very urgent and important, some that are not urgent but very important, some that are not important but very urgent, and some that are not important but not urgent. You must prioritize, make good use of ten fingers to play the piano, and make overall arrangements. , complete all tasks in an orderly manner; the third is to know the latitude and longitude. We must be fully familiar with the work we are in charge of, and we must understand the background and basis for handling everything we handle.
Only when you know the ins and outs, will you have a "map" in mind when dealing with problems, and will the masses be satisfied and convinced; fourth, we must focus on hard work. The Fisheries Bureau is a production unit, and its nature determines that we can only do "things". We must implement all work with the intensity of grasping the iron to leave a mark and stepping on the stone to leave a seal. Only when everyone's work is implemented, the decision-making and deployment of the Bureau Party Committee can be put into practice; the fifth requirement is actual results.
As national public officials, the purpose of our work is to solve problems in production and life. This requires us to not only focus on the process in our work, but also on the results. Working methods determine the process, and the working process determines the results. A process without results, no matter how perfect the process is, is in vain.
Extended information:
As a qualified national public servant, to grasp the course of life, one must master the "three hurdles": First, one must be politically firm. Ideological work is an extremely important task of the party.
In the current society and even among party members, a very small number of people are denigrating and vilifying the Communist Party, desperately clamoring for the Western multi-party system, and completely denying the leadership status of the Communist Party and the socialist system. We must be deeply vigilant about this. In terms of political stance, we must keep a clear head and must not be confused.