The quotation comes from "Warring States Policy·Zhao Ce": "Sun Yu of Jinyang asked his uncle to do something, and he favored him. When Zhao Xiangzi killed his uncle, Yurang fled to the mountains, saying: 'Hey! A scholar is for someone who knows oneself, and a woman is for someone who likes one's appearance. I will repay him to the Zhi clan.'" Later, he changed his name, painted his body and swallowed charcoal, so that people would think that he was not out of his sight. However, he stabbed Zhao Xiangzi several times, but Zhao Xiangzi was killed every time. Xiangzi found out, but Zhao Xiangzi did not kill him because he was a righteous man. When Zhao Xiangzi was assassinated for the last time, Zhao Xiangzi said: "Is it true that you don't have a taste of Shifan? Zhongxing's family? Zhibo destroyed them all, but instead of taking revenge, Zhao Xiangzi entrusted his ministers to Zhibo. Zhibo is also dead. "Why did Zi Du take revenge so deeply?" Yu Rang said, "I am the one who met all the ministers, Fan, Zhongxing, and Zhongxing. As for Uncle Zhi, when the people of my country met me, the people of my country met me." "Repay." It turned out that Fan and Zhongxing were not Yurang's confidants. Only Zhibo, who regarded him as a national scholar, was his true confidant, so he wanted to repay with his death. This sentence has become the traditional creed of the ancient people of our country. It reflects the spirit of people who will risk their lives to repay their close friends because they are rare.
Especially intellectuals, on the one hand, they keep themselves clean and self-sufficient, and on the other hand, they die for their confidants. For example, in order to repay Liu Bei's "three visits", Zhuge Liang assisted his later master, dedicated his whole life, and became an ancient intellectual. A model of yearning and admiration