Changsha Li Wang, Li Wang
Li Sima Ai (276-304), king of Changsha, was born in Wenxian County, Hanoi. Jin Taikang established the Changsha King for ten years, worshiping members and riding a regular servant. Hui Di acceded to the throne, awarded the infantry captain. In the first year of Yongkang, Sima Lun, the imperial general, mobilized troops to kill Jia, and then abolished Jinhui Emperor to stand on his own feet. The following year, Sima Tang, Sima Ying and Sima Yu * * * crusaded against Sima Lun, and hundreds of thousands of allied troops attacked Luoyang. Sima Lun was defeated and killed, and Hui Di was reset. The two sides were at loggerheads for several months. In the first month of the first year of Yong 'an, Sima Yue saw that the days around Luoyang were tight, launched a mutiny, arrested Sima Yi who was imprisoned in Jinyong City, and the emperor was dismissed from his post and returned to Yong 'an. Zhang Fang went to Jinyong City, caught the king of Changsha, burned him and killed him. After his death, posthumous title was named "Li".