Mencius said: "A gentleman has benevolence in his heart and etiquette in his heart. A benevolent person loves others, and a polite person respects others. Those who love others will always love them, and those who respect others will always respect them."
《 Mencius·Li Lou Xia"
Confucius said: "Gentlemen are harmonious but not uniform; villains are harmonious but not harmonious." When saying that harmony is the most precious, we once said However, "all living things are harmonious, and if they are the same, they will not continue." The existence of all things in the universe is "harmony," not "sameness." From this, it is derived that a fundamental attitude or principle in our dealings is that we should seek "harmony" rather than "identity". Yan Ying took the relationship between monarch and ministers as an example to illustrate the two different attitudes of harmony and unity. He said, "Only promise, don't say different opinions. If the emperor thinks it is acceptable, the minister will also say yes, and if the emperor thinks it is not, the minister will also say no. This is the same." "The king says yes, but there is no yes, and the minister offers his no, so that it can be achieved; the king says no, but there is yes, and the minister offers the yes, so as to get rid of the no." Put forward different opinions to the king, correct his mistakes, Make up for its shortcomings to reach the correct conclusion, which is the sum. He believes that a harmonious attitude should be adopted rather than a different attitude. This is harmony without difference. Later, Confucius clearly stated:
Gentlemen are harmonious but different; villains are harmonious but not harmonious.
I would like to hear about God. Said: "The gods take advantage of the light, and the form perishes. This is called Zhao Kuang." Death is at its fullest, heaven and earth are happy, everything is destroyed, everything returns to its emotions, this is called Hunming. "
——"Zhuangzi·Heaven and Earth"
Its movement means cessation; its death means birth; its destruction means rising. This is not its reason. There is governance. People who forget things and heaven are called forgetting themselves. People who forget themselves are said to have entered heaven.
——"Zhuangzi·Heaven and Earth"