Infinite Sword System Chanting Lines
I am the bone of my sword. (I am the bone of the sword I hold.)
This body is the bone of the sword
Steel is my body, and fire is my blood. (Steel is the body, and fire is the blood.)
Blood Tideは鉄で心は Glass
The blood flow is as iron as the heart as glass
I have created over a thousand blades. (There are more than a thousand hand-made swords.)
Undefeated in a few battlefields
Undefeated in countless battlefields
Unknown to Death. (Not known by death. That is, there is no intention of retreat)
ただのOnce はなく
Never lost once
Nor known to Life. )
ただのOnce もUnderstandingされない
Have withstood pain to create many weapons. (Have withstood pain to create many weapons.)
He is always standing on the top of the sword hill, drunk on victory
Yet, those hands will never hold anything. (However, all that is left is nothingness.)
Therefore, life is meaningless
Therefore, this life is meaningless
So as I pray, Unlimited Blade Works.
Then this body, Destined to be born for the sword