Не коси глаз на чужой квас.
Don't squint at other people's Gowasu drinks.
Don't eat in the bowl, look in the pot.
Знает кошка, чье мясо съела.
The cat knows whose meat it ate.
No matter who did it, I know it; Who did this? Who knows?
Не считай щерым арящего чужое.(туркменская пословица)
What's generous about giving gifts with other people's things?
Легко оыто, легко и прожито.
Easy come, easy go.
Ге еньги говорят, там права молчит.
Where money speaks, there is no voice of truth.
У огатого и петух несется.
Money makes the mare go
С сильным не орись, с огатым не суись.
Don't fight with energetic people, and don't go to court with rich people.
Men don't eat short-term losses, and those who know the times are Jie Jun.
Богатство слепо, оно словно муха: то на навоз саится, то на розу.(грузинская пословица)
Wealth is blind, just like a fly: sometimes it falls on feces, and sometimes it falls on roses.
don't judge a person by the clothes he wears
Деньги пропали - наживешь, время пропало - не вернешь.
If money is gone, you can still earn it, and time is gone forever.
Money can't buy time
Всякому овощу свое время.Фрукты хороши в свое время.(осетинская пословица)
Everyone has his own ambition, and everyone has his own time.
Вино волка и в овечьей шкуре.
fire cannot be wrapped in paper
С хитростью - о оеа, а с умом - целый ень.
A little cleverness shows for a while, but great wisdom enjoys a lifetime.
Глазами плачет, а серцем смеется.
There is a bear in the birch forest.
Не в орое честь - ороа и у козла есть.
Honesty lies not in the beard, but in the beard of the goat.
Rely on the old and sell the old.
Всякому своя честь орога.
People want face, trees want skin.
Не кусок пирога, а честь орога.
Hunger is a trivial matter, and honesty is very important.
Лучше ыть госпоином в еревне,
чем слугой в горое.(ассирийская пословица)
Better be a chicken than a cow;
Cocktails and phoenix tails
Береги платье снову, а честь смолоу.
Clothes should be cherished from an early age, and honor should be cherished from an early age.