teacher for a day, father for a lifetime.
Guan Hanqing once said in the Yuan Dynasty, "One day is a teacher, and the whole life is a father." Teachers are not only teachers of students, but also friends and parents of students. They should not only impart knowledge, but also care about the growth and development of students.
Being a teacher is being a father.
"Lu Chunqiu Persuasion" said: "A teacher is still a father." Education is a great cause, and teachers are the most important part of this cause. They should not only impart knowledge, but also cultivate students' morality and personality and cultivate more outstanding talents for the society.
The higher you climb, the harder you drill.
The Analects of Confucius Zi Han said: "The higher you lift, the stronger you drill." Teachers' work is an arduous task, which requires continuous learning and progress. Only by continuous learning and progress can we serve students better and make better contributions to society.