1, Guan Guan Luo Gui, in Hezhou, a gentle and graceful lady, a good gentleman. -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Nan Zhou and Guan Ju"
2, pale, white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqis are on the water side. -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Qin Feng Jiajian"
3. People who know me worry me; If you don't know me, what do you want? Who is this? -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Feng Wang, Separation"
4, the peach is dying, burning its China. The girl is going to get married and be happy at her husband's house. -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Nan Zhou Yao Tao"
5, Peter Xiao Xi, a day of sight, such as Sanqiu Xi. -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Feng Wang, Caige"
6, green scorpion, leisurely in my heart. -"The Book of Songs, National Style, Zheng Feng Ji Zi"
7, the breadth of life and death, Zi Chengqi said. Hold your hand and grow old with your son. -"The Book of Songs, High Wind and Drumming"