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1. Any diplomat knows that in diplomacy, whether active or passive, use some words to confuse the other party or put him in a state of confusion. Tips, it's definitely worth it.
2. Regardless of whether the issue involves national interests or specific aspects of personal life, one thing remains unchanged: to achieve any goal, it can only be achieved in a way that the other party agrees to accept.
3. Ideology must be regarded as an objective existence, because it is the basic factor that determines national interests and national strategy.
4. History often repeats itself, but people do not notice it.
5. A successful China must maintain a strong central government.
6. Diplomacy always takes the interests of the country as its starting point.
7. The interests of the country are always supreme.
8. Revolution will only occur when a nation’s dissatisfaction with reality and desire for reform develop to an urgent level.
9. Countries, big or small, strong or weak, should be treated equally.
10. China actually has the conditions for a big country in terms of politics, economy, and culture.