"Road trip also, the world is for the public, choose the virtuous, win the trust and repair. An old friend is not only a relative, but also an only son. Let the old age end, be strong, useful, strong, supported, cherished, widowed, lonely, unique and disabled. If men and women change, they will be granted the same rights.
Confucius lived in a great harmony and auspicious era. In this era, society is stable and people live and work in peace and contentment. Therefore, Confucius believes that this era should be worthy of praise and praise. At the same time, in this era, people attach importance to spiritual values such as morality, ethics and culture, so Confucius put forward the concept of "great harmony and courtesy". In this concept, he believes that the world should be governed by all people, selecting talents and abilities should become the value orientation of society, and people should establish a relationship of trust and harmony. In such a society, everyone can get due respect and care, and the disadvantaged groups in society can also get attention and help.
So Confucius thought he was living in a well-off era.
Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy is an outstanding representative of the great critical realism in the19th century and the greatest Russian writer. He created "the fir