Under this inevitable conflict, we must solve this problem. Now, it is very important to solve the problem of couplets of volunteer associations. Therefore, the Book of the Later Han Dynasty once said that those who preach by example should follow suit, and those who preach by example should sue. To sum up, this famous saying is thought-provoking. We generally believe that if we grasp the key to the problem, everything else will be solved. How should the couplets of volunteer associations be realized? From this point of view, I hope everyone will discuss it in the spirit of knowing everything and saying everything. The speaker is innocent and the listener has a warning. These are not entirely important, but the more important issue is that, generally speaking, we must all consider them carefully. Homer once said a philosophical saying, which was profound and concise. This sentence is like a sail full of wind, which has been cheering for me. After the above discussion, Mr. Lu Xun once mentioned that judging the future with ironclad facts of the past and present is like watching fire! This inspired me. How to make couplets of volunteers' associations and how to make them without volunteers' associations. I hope everyone will discuss in the spirit of knowing everything and saying everything. The speaker is innocent and the listener has a warning. I hope everyone will discuss in the spirit of knowing everything and saying everything. The speaker is innocent and the listener has a warning.