Wang Moshi drifted to the west (Chang 'an), and the young man was successful. When writing this poem, I should have come to Chang 'an before I succeeded. I shouldn't have bought a house and settled down, so I feel like a stranger in a foreign land. And "thinking about your relatives at the festive season" shows the long-standing affection between people. Wang Moshu's hometown is in Shanxi. Because of this, there is a local custom of climbing Chongyang Mountain and inserting dogwood. Uncle Mo can't take part in the activity, so he can only "know which mountain his brother climbs from a distance, and there will be one less person planting dogwood everywhere."
This poem is simple, affectionate, grand and "Zen", which is quite different from the style of "painting in painting and painting in poetry" in later generations. It is still a masterpiece since ancient times.