-(British) Shakespeare's Hamlet
Don't spit in the well, maybe you will drink the water from the well.
-(Soviet Union) sholokhov's Quiet Don River
If God openly opposes people, it is difficult for anyone to deal with it.
-(Ancient Greece) Homer's Homer Epic
As long as you are a swan egg, it doesn't matter if you were born in a chicken farm.
-Andersen's Fairy Tales (Denmark)
Good people will eventually realize that there is a right way, even if they are confused in the pursuit.
-(Germany) Goethe's Faust
The nearest place to you is the farthest way; The simplest tone needs the hardest practice.
-Tagore's Birds (India)
All the good things in the world do us no good except using them.
-(British) Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
Now I only believe that, first of all, I am a person, just like you-at least I have to learn to be a man.
-A Doll's House by Ibsen (Norway)
Adults don't behave well in school. God is testing them. You haven't been tested. You should live according to your children's ideas.
-(Soviet Union) Gorky's childhood
On that day, the storm will even blow down some oak trees, some church towers will collapse and some palaces will be shaken.
-(Germany) Heine's Selected Poems of Heine
The saddest thing between people is to be disturbed and hurt where you think it is worthy of goodwill and friendship.
Francois? Rabelais's Giant Biography
Is there a small pond in your house? In that small pond, you can observe every life in the water at any time.
-(French) Fabres's Insects
Friendship is everything. Friendship is more important than talent, more important than the government, and almost equal to family. Don't forget this.
-Mario? Puzo's godfather
Where there is nowhere to complain, there is crime. There is a kind of sadness that tears can't symbolize. There is a huge failure here, which is enough to ruin all our successes.
-(America) Steinbeck's The Grapes of Wrath
He discovered a great law of human behavior, which he didn't know yet-that is, in order to make an adult or a child want to do something very much, he just needs to make it hard to get.
-(America) Mark? Tom of Twain? Sawyer's adventures
There are some happy people in the world. They turn their own pain into the happiness of others. They buried the hope of the world with tears, but turned it into seeds, grew flowers and fragrance, and healed the wounds of lonely people in bad karma.
-(America) Beecher? Mrs stowe's uncle Tom's cabin