1. The eyes are used to discern, the ears are used to listen, the mouth is used to distinguish tastes, the nose is used to smell fragrance, and the hands are used to hold it, which is sufficient for walking. Each receives one nature, and cannot have both. Having both will affect the heart. Confused, those who are on the second path will be poor, have a righteous mind and be firm, never forget it for a long time, do not let go above, do not hurt below, stick to one thing, although there are few, there will be many, the heart will lose emotion, no matter how high it is, it will collapse, and the anger will be vented Sickness, short life span, unreasonable confusion, and wrongdoing.
2. The lady is broad and vast, vast and dense, close to the far and peaceful, embracing all nations.
3. The people are fearful without punishment, and persuaded without rewards. This is caused by the people gradually being stained with morality and being subdued to neutralization.
4. Those who do not plan things with benevolence and righteousness will eventually fail; those who do not consolidate their foundation but establish a high foundation will eventually collapse.
5. The people eat meat, drink blood, and wear fur. As for Shen Nong, he thought that insects and animals would make it difficult to feed the people, so he sought edible things, tasted the essence of herbs, observed the sour and bitter tastes, and taught people Eat grains.
6. During the reign of saints, sages made meritorious deeds. Tang promoted Yi Yin, Zhou appointed Lu Wang, acted in harmony with heaven and earth, and matched yin and yang with virtue.
7. The people know that they fear the law but lack etiquette and justice. Therefore, the Zhongsheng established the teachings of Piyong and Xiangxu to correct the etiquette of superiors and subordinates, clarify the etiquette of father and son, and the righteousness of monarch and minister, so that the strong will not be bullied. If you are weak, the crowd will not overwhelm the few, abandon your greedy and despicable heart, and pursue a pure life.
8. The world is different but the earth is different, the laws are unified but the world is the same.
9. The saint does not live in vain, and the sage does not live in vain.
10. If the ruler is wise in virtue, he can reach far; if the minister is committed to righteousness, he can reach greatness.
11. The decline of the old world is not caused by heaven, but by the rulers and states.
12. My husband’s wine pool can be used to transport boats, and the hills can be viewed from afar. How can I be poor in wealth?
13. The rivers and valleys are intertwined, the weather is not connected, and the nine states are isolated, and there is no boat or carriage to help the deep and far-reaching people. So Xi Zhong used the curved radius as a wheel and the straight as a shaft. He drove the horse to subdue the ox and floated the boat staff. Ji, to replace manpower.
14. Therefore, a gentleman governs according to the Tao, conducts according to virtue, sits with benevolence, and has a strong stick with righteousness, emptiness and loneliness, and immeasurable movement.
15. The saint is not noble, but the common people are despised. Grain nourishes the soul, but is discarded on the ground. Pearls and jade are useless, but the treasure is in the body.
16. However, merit cannot exist on its own, and power cannot maintain itself. This is not because of poverty and weakness, but because morality does not exist in the body, and benevolence and righteousness do not impose on others.
17. Those who inflict punishments will not be tired of light punishments, those who are virtuous will not be tired of heavy punishments, those who impose punishments will not be afraid of light punishments, and those who give rewards will not be afraid of heavy ones. Therefore, being close will lead to distance.
18. The decline of the old world is not caused by heaven, but by the rulers and states.
19. What is suitable for things is not suitable for Tao; what is suitable for Tao is not suitable for things.
20. Those with good qualities value generality, and those with talent value showing ability.
21. The shortcomings of a wise man are not as good as the strengths of a fool.
22. Therefore, the nature is hidden in people, and the Qi reaches to the sky. It is subtle and vast. When justice is promoted, the king will do it in the court, and the husband will do it in the fields. Those who regulate the end will adjust the root, those who correct the shadow will correct the shape, those who nourish the root will make the branches and leaves flourish, and those who adjust the ambition will be the way.
23. A saint makes it happen. Therefore, it can regulate things, regulate emotions, and show benevolence and righteousness.
24. Therefore, the sage is benevolent and righteous, he is clear and subtle, he considers the heaven and the earth, he is not overwhelmed by danger, and he is not disturbed by loss. This is the rule of benevolence and righteousness.
25. If the husband's appearance is serious, he will be upset; if he is busy with many things, his body will be tired; if he is upset, he will be punished arbitrarily and without any foundation; if his body is tired, he will return to all kinds of evils and achieve nothing.
26. Recite the words of the saints orally and learn from the sages’ actions. It will last for a long time without any disadvantages, and the hard work will not be wasted.
27. People who are loyal, upright and upright will be tolerated in the world and implemented in politics.
28. The people fear its authority and follow it, cherish its virtue and return to its territory, appreciate its governance and dare not violate its rule.
29. The short life of a human being is like a stone fire, which burns brightly.
30. The sage inherits the brightness of the sky, records the movements of the sun and the moon, and records the measurements of the stars. Due to the benefits of the heaven and the earth, he equalizes the advantages of high and low, establishes the convenience of mountains and rivers, levels the four seas, divides the nine states, and shares the likes and dislikes. , a custom.
31. The five mountains are sealed in the old place, the four valleys are painted, the rivers are regulated, the water springs are connected, the trees nourish the species, the buds are planted with thousands of roots, and the wild shapes nourish the essence, so as to establish the group of living things, not against the natural time, and not to take away the nature of things. , Don't hide your feelings, don't hide your deceit.
32. Isn’t it wrong for a husband to explain the affairs of farmers and mulberry trees, to go into the mountains and seas, collect pearls, catch leopards and emeralds, and scatter springs to use his good ears and eyes and his lustful and extravagant heart?
33. It is wrong to govern by taking the lives of the people, protecting the mountains and rivers, and taking charge of the power of the people, but the merit does not reside in the body and the name does not appear in the world.
34. Turn a blind eye and regard white as black.
35. Those who work hard to maintain the world and work hard will not have worries at home.
36. Isn’t it difficult for a sage to take advantage of the power of heaven, coordinate with the weather, inherit the power of heaven, and resemble the appearance of heaven without taking the merit?
37. A gentleman is committed to righteousness but not interested in profit. He is quick to do things but cautious in speaking.
38. No one knows that good is good and evil is evil; no one knows that knowledge is beneficial to oneself, but idleness is useless.
39. A gentleman does not take things that are difficult for him to do, so he does not know how to do good things.
40. Yao and Shun could not rise with the sun and the moon; Jie and Zhou could not perish with the stars.
41. Those who do it are overflowing with passion, but people cannot conquer their ambitions.
42. Those who are in high places cannot be uneasy, and those who are in danger cannot let their sticks be unsteady.
43. A slanderer is like a wise man, and a kind word is like a letter. Those who listen to it are confused, and those who look at it are confused.
44. All things are born, nourished by the earth, and made by saints.
45. The benevolent is the discipline of the Tao, and the righteous is the discipline of the sage.
46. There is nothing greater than inaction, and nothing greater than respect.
47. Clouds appear in the mountains, Qiufu is full of life, all rivers flow eastward, and none of the rivers travels westward. The small elephant is big and the few follow the many.
48. Therefore, what is in heaven can be seen, what is on earth can be measured, what is in things can be recorded, and what is in people can be recognized.
49. The etiquette and justice are not good, and the rules and disciplines are not established.
50. Therefore, those who know the sky look up at the astronomy, and those who know the earth look down at the geography.
51. Those who have doubts cannot make plans, and those who hold two ends cannot establish authority.
52. Therefore, those who cherish the Tao need to live in the world, and those who embrace simplicity are waiting for work. The Tao is established by the wise, the horse is good for the charioteer, the virtuous is used by the sage, the wise debates for understanding, and the book is passed down by the enlightened. Things become clear to those who see them.
53. If the country is not prosperous, there will be no achievements, and the family will not hide useless tools.
54. This is not the case for ordinary people. Their eyes are focused on the glory of wealth and honor, and their ears are confused on the path to immortality. Therefore, they often abandon their strengths and pursue their shortcomings, and lose what they have by not getting what they have.
55. The shortcomings of a wise man are not as good as the strengths of a fool. Duke Wen sows rice, and Master Zeng drives sheep. If you are not familiar with fortune-tellers, you will believe in evil and lose the right way. Those who are observing are missing something, and those who are recovering are not allowed to see anything.
56. Books do not have to come from Zhongni’s family, and medicine does not have to come from Bian Que’s recipe.
57. Those who are good at changing should not resort to deception. Those who have access to the Tao should not be surprised. Those who judge the words should not be confused by the words. Those who have achieved righteousness should not move to gain advantage.
58. A house that accumulates virtue will be free from disasters.
59. A good horse is not only Qi Ji, a sharp sword is not only capable general, a beautiful woman is not only Xi Shi, a loyal minister is not only Lu Wang.
60. Those who nourish qi, cure their nature, think through their spirits, and prolong their lifespan will not let their ambitions wander outside. If you nourish your qi, cure your nature, think through your spirit, and prolong your life, your ambition will not flow outside.
61. Those who learn are wise, those who lose are dim, and those who memorize are dead.
62. The husband carries a jade, which he wears in a ring, wears famous treasures, and hides rare and strange things. He drinks wine in a jade bucket and carves on a golden lei, so he praises the eyes of a villain; the high platform has hundreds of people, and the golden city inscriptions Painting is the reason why people are tired of their efforts.
63. At that time, the four rivers were unblocked and floods were causing harm. Yu then dredged the rivers, opened the four rivers, and led to the sea. The big and small connected each other, the high and the low received each other, and all the rivers flowed smoothly. , everyone returns to his place, and then the people have to go to high dangers and live on flat soil.
64. The first sages looked up at the astronomy, looked down at the geography, and drew pictures of the universe to determine the way of humanity. The people began to become enlightened and knew the relationship between father and son, the meaning of monarch and minister, the difference between husband and wife, and the order of elder and younger. So hundreds of officials were established, and kingly rule was born.
65. Those who make great achievements in the world must first practice in the boudoir, and those who make a great name in the world must first do small things.
66. Those who observe will miss something, and those who look back will not tolerate something.
67. Chen Li is in the queue, he makes meritorious deeds with righteousness, and he travels in the formation of teachers. Virtue and benevolence are the solid foundation, and he is strong with righteousness. He regulates Qi and nourishes his nature. Benevolent people live longer, beauty and talent are second to virtue, and righteous people practice well.
68. Those who set the path are easy to see, so they can understand the minds of ordinary people and achieve the impossible.
69. The nature of heaven and earth, and the nature of all things, is that those who are virtuous will be welcomed by the people, those who rely on punishment will be feared by the people, those who return will be ignored, and those who are afraid will be removed from their territory.
70. The people of the world live in caves in the wild without houses, so they live in the same land as the beasts. So the Yellow Emperor cut down wood and built a palace, with upper buildings and lower buildings to protect him from wind and rain.
71. In later generations, the evil spirits were added to the voices of Zheng and Wei. The people abandoned the original and moved toward the end. Skills emerged, with different intentions, and they added carvings, engravings, and lacquers. The color of Wei is due to the good ears and eyes of the poor, and the skill of the craftsman.
72. The husband said that Tao is established by power, and virtue is performed by power. If it is not in its position, it will not be able to regulate its governance; if it is not in control, it will not be able to control its strength.
73. Those who seek the far away should not lose sight of the near; those who seek to control the shadows should not forget their appearance; the upper level should be bright and the lower level should be clear; the emperor should be holy but the ministers should be loyal.
74. The husband holds the government of the heaven and the earth and governs the four seas. He must not break the law and his actions must not be deviated. If the fallacy is exported, the chaos will spread thousands of miles away, let alone the punishment of the innocent in prison. And punish innocent people in the market?
75. Those who respect the position but have no virtue will be deposed, and those who are rich in wealth but without justice will be punished. Those who are humble but love virtue are respected; those who are poor but righteous are honored.
76. Those who are strong will be short of it for a long time; those who are soft will be long; those who are impatient will be quick; those who are slow and serious will be permanent; those who are brave will be regretful; those who are gentle will be relaxed; those who are quick will be quick. Those who are weak will surely suffer losses, and the weak will conquer the strong.