Quotes about having courage in the face of difficulties are as follows: Quotes about having courage in the face of difficulties. Everything tastes bitter before it matures. --Cyrus; The will is a strong blind man, leaning on the shoulders of a sighted lame man. -- Schopenhauer; Only in suffering can one know oneself. --Hildy; No matter what, I will never allow myself to feel a little discouraged. -- Edison; I think setbacks and hardships are good opportunities to exercise will and strengthen your ability. --Zou Taofen.
Only those who lie in the mud forever will not fall into the pit again. --Hegel; Life is full of thorns, and the only way we can think of is to quickly jump over those thorns. -- Voltaire; All perseverance will be rewarded sooner or later. --Angel; Just like the ocean, only those with strong will can reach the other side. --Marx; The world's adventures are like this, and patience is the end of the world. --Zheng Xie.
It has endured many hardships and endured many blows, no matter how strong the wind is from the southeast or the northwest. --Zheng Banqiao; The test of courage is to see whether a person can defeat without giving up. --Ingersoll; The spirit of stone has no feathers, but it is not afraid of danger and hardship. --Li Bai; Difficulties can not only temper our will, but also exercise our body. --Xie Juezai; Adversity and hardship are the school for tempering one's character. --Liang Qichao.
Hope is the faithful sister of misfortune. --Pushkin: God sets many obstacles on the road just to strengthen your will. -- Rabindranath Tagore; What the world lacks is perseverance, not strength. --Hugo; Personal value and evaluation lie in the heart and will. -- Montaigne; For a man of perseverance, nothing is impossible. --Haywood.