The conduct of a gentleman is to cultivate one’s character through tranquility and to cultivate one’s virtue through frugality. Without indifference, there is no clear ambition; without tranquility, there is no far-reaching goal. Learning requires tranquility, and talent requires learning. Without learning, there is no way to expand talents, and without ambition, there is no way to achieve learning. If you are impatient and slow, you will not be able to stimulate your essence, and if you are dangerous and impetuous, you will not be able to cure your nature. Years go with the times, thoughts go with the sun, and they become withered and withered. Many people do not take on the world, and they stay in the poor house with sadness. How will they be able to get back to you!
The conduct of a gentleman improves his self-cultivation through tranquility and cultivates his character through frugality. If you are not calm and have few desires, you will not be able to clarify your ambitions, and if you do not eliminate external interference, you will not be able to achieve lofty goals.
Learning requires concentration and concentration, and talent comes from learning. Therefore, without learning, you cannot increase your talents, and without ambition, you cannot achieve success in learning.
Indolence and laziness cannot inspire the spirit, and impatience and risk-taking cannot cultivate the temperament. Time flies by with time, and will with time. In the end, they withered and fell into pieces. Most of them had no contact with the world and were not used by society. They could only sit sadly in their poor homes. How could they regret it at that time?