1. Among all moral qualities, good nature is the most needed in the world. -- (British) Russell
2. People are good, and there are many good things but not enough. --(Song Dynasty) Yang Wanli
3. People who do good deeds should feel happy. --(France) Romain Rolland 4. Kindness and moral character are both like gems and metals. The two set off each other and add brilliance. --(UK) Bernard Shaw
5. Kindness is a universal language that can make blind people feel it and deaf people smell it. --(US) Mark Twain
6. Kindness is the golden chain that connects society.
7. A kind heart is better than a noble status.
8. The most beautiful music of the soul is kindness! --(France) Romain Rolland
9. Be a kind person and seek happiness for mankind. (Russian) Gorky
10. Kindness is not a science, but a behavior. --(France) Romain Rolland
11. Goodness is the sunshine of the spiritual world. (France) Victor Hugo