#EnglishResources# Introduction The seventh season of "Game of Thrones" has ended. In addition to the shocking twists, sophisticated production, grand settings, and exciting plots, it is also those "Game of Thrones" that performed superbly. Game of Thrones characters. He (she) often speaks astonishingly at critical moments. Let me take stock of the "most impressive" line. One sentence means a lifetime.
01 Eddard Stark Ed? Stark
Soul lines:
The lone wolf dies, but the pack survives.
A lone wolf dies and a pack of wolves survives.
02 Robb Stark Robb Stark
Soul lines:
Love's not always wise, I've learned.
Love is not always wise, I understand now.
03 Jon Snow Jon Snow
Soul lines:
There's no shame in fear, my father told me, what matters is how we face it .
My father once said to me that there is nothing shameful in fear, what matters is how we face it.
04 Arya Stark Arya Stark
Soul line:
Anyone can be killed.
No one can be killed Immortal.
05 Sansa Stark Sansa Stark
Soul lines:
Sometimes when I'm trying to understand a person's motives, I play a little game . I assume the worst.
Sometimes, when I want to know a person's motivations, I play a little game. I would imagine the worst possibilities.
06 Brandon Stark Brandon Stark
Soul lines:
Old stories are like old friends. You have to visit them from time to time .
Old stories are like old friends. You have to visit them from time to time.
07 Cersei Lannister Cersei Lannister
Soul lines:
I should wear the armor and you the gown.
I should be wearing armor, you should be wearing a dress.
08 Tyrion Lannister Tyrion Lannister
Soul lines:
A mind needs books as a sword needs a whetstone, if it is to keep its edge.
The brain needs books to stay sharp, just like a sword needs a whetstone.
09 Tywin Lannister Tywin Lannister
Soul lines:
Some battles are won with swords and spears, others with quills and ravens.
Some battles are won with swords and guns, others with pens and crows.
10 Jaime Lannister Jaime Lannister
Soul lines:
The things I do for love.
Look at me What have you done for love?
11 Daenerys Targaryen Daenerys? Targaryen
Soul lines:
He is not a dragon. Fire can not kill a dragon.
He is not a dragon. Fire cannot kill a dragon.
12 Varys
Soul lines:
Power resides when men believe it resides. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small man can cast a very large shadow.
Power only exists if people believe it exists. It's a trick, a shadow on the wall. And a very small person can cast a very large shadow.
13 Petyr Baelish Petyr Baelish
Soul lines:
Everyone is your enemy. Everyone is your friend.
Everyone is your enemy, everyone is your friend.
14 Melisandre Melisandre
Soul lines:
The night is dark and full of terrors.
The night is long, everywhere sinister.
15 Margaery Tyrell Margaery Tyrell
Soul lines:
I don't want to be a queen. I want to be the Queen .
I don’t want to be a queen, I want to be a queen.
16 Bronn Bronn
Soul line:
Without question? No, I ask how much.
Without hesitation? No way, I will ask how much it costs first.