1, Zhang Zhongjing is from Gedong, Nanyang. Treatise on Febrile Diseases, written by him, is a masterpiece of doctors and is regarded as a classic by doctors in past dynasties. Zhang Zhongjing has a famous saying: "if you advance, you will survive;" If you retreat, you will save the people; " You can't be a good doctor and you can't be a good doctor. "When the Eastern Han Dynasty was the magistrate of Changsha, he visited the sick and took medicine and practiced medicine in the lobby. Later, he resolutely resigned and went back to his hometown to treat his neighbors. When he got home, it was already winter. He saw that the villagers on both sides of the Baihe River were sallow and emaciated, hungry and cold, and many people's ears were frozen. He asked his disciples to set up a medicine shed and a cauldron in Dongguan, Nanyang, and gave up the soup for dispelling cold and charming ears to treat frostbite on the winter solstice. He cooked mutton, peppers and some herbs to dispel the cold in a pot, then took out mutton and medicine and chopped them up. Make ear-shaped "Joules" from bread. After cooking, give two Joules and a big bowl of broth to everyone who wants medicine. People ate "Joule" and drank "Quhan Decoction", and they were all hot, their ears were hot, and their frostbitten ears were cured. Later generations learned to make Joule into food, also called "jiaozi" or "flat food". Eating jiaozi from the solstice in winter is a good deed of Zhang Zhongjing, a "medical sage", in dispelling cold and charming ears. Up to now, there is still a folk song in Nanyang, which is called "jiaozi Bowl", and nobody cares about frozen ears. ".
2. The Winter Solstice Festival originated from Huangdi and Yao Di. According to the Historical Records of Xiaowu, a minister said to Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty: "The Yellow Emperor won the Baoding God _ (Ce or Jia), and he won the winter of the year and the discipline of heaven. He will start all over again. So the Yellow Emperor welcomed Sun to push _, and then he was twenty years old and got the winter solstice. " This record shows that the Yellow Emperor took the winter solstice as the beginning of the year and took "Shuodan", but there is no such record in the Historical Records of the Yellow Emperor Stupid Chicken, so it is difficult to test the isolated evidence.