One plowing, two readings, three blacksmithing, four and five ships grinding tofu,
Six trees, seven bamboos and eight carvings, nine spinning and ten weaving,
Eleven The tailor makes clothes, the twelfth is a tinker,
The thirteenth sells miscellaneous goods, the fourteenth is a grinder,
The fifteenth is a cobbler, a shoemaker, the sixteenth seesaws a carpenter,
Seventeen monks are on the outskirts, eighteen nuns are singing a cappella,
Nineteen Taoist priests are singing the phoenix, there are twenty boys in the Earth Hall,
Twenty-one jingles are telling fortunes. , Twenty-two look at each other and look at each other,
Twenty-three make fortunes and wear long robes, Twenty-four fishermen sing Taoism with drums,
Twenty-five woodcutters are on the mountain; Twenty-six men sell fake medicine, < /p>
The twenty-seventh year enjoys singing tricks, the twenty-eighth boxing to strengthen the body,
The twenty-ninth day is strong in martial arts, and the thirtieth year goes out to repair an umbrella when it rains,
On the 31st, he went out to sharpen his scissors. On the 30th, he was the dirtiest repairman.
Thirty-three had eight roots, and on the 34th, he was walking in a funeral sedan chair.
Thirty-five was a barber. The last line looks at the Cowherd.
Thirty rows up and down, and the champion will always come out.
Which one is the cow? It was Emperor Zhu Hongwu.