1. Wealth is not a permanent friend, but friends are permanent wealth. - Lev. Tolstoy
2. Untrustworthy friends are more hateful than enemies. ——Shakespeare
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3. It takes a long time to recognize an upright person, but it only takes one day to recognize a bad person. ——Sophocles
4. Friends will know us in times of joy; we will know our friends in times of adversity. ——Colinth
5. Friendship is two hearts treating each other sincerely, rather than one heart beating another heart. ——Lu Xun
6. Snobbish friends will leave you sooner or later. ——Adams
7. If you fail to understand the other party’s details, you will never reveal your heart. ——Balzac
8. If you want to have friends, you must first have enough friends. ——Emerson
9. Without friendship, the world seems to have lost the sun. ——Cicero
10. The most beautiful thing in the world is to have a few friends with upright minds and hearts. ——Einstein
11. Since I cannot find a friend who is completely devoted to me, I must have friends who can overcome my inertia with their driving force. ——Rousseau
12. Relatives cannot be chosen, but friends can. ——De Lisle