One day, Fu Cha, the king of Wu, met Li Longji, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty, and talked about the admonition of courtiers. They sighed deeply.
Focha: Li Ge, I am a fool. Zixu is loyal to me, but I think he is cruel and heartless. If I had listened to his words, I would have cut the stone and destroyed the state of Yue, so I wouldn't have harmed others and myself, and I would have used that Goujian boy long ago! Alas, Zixu, I don't listen to you, and I have no face to face you and the people of Wu!
Li Longji: Don't be sad, Fucha. I am more ashamed of my ancestors and the people of the Tang Dynasty than you are. In the early days of my administration, I was able to wake up my ears and listen to Yao Chong and their words with an open mind, thus creating a prosperous scene of "a prosperous new century". But later, I fell in love with Yang Guifei. I listened to his flattery all day and never listened to a word of advice again. It was just a trick to make me happy. It's a great Tang Dynasty. I'm actually teetering because of the "opinions" of these little people. Ah! Give me another chance, and I will stick to my point of view-
Focha: You and I have both made mistakes in governing the country, but for different reasons: I am not good at listening to other people's opinions, and you don't know right from wrong and listen to gossip.
Li Longji: Really? But how can we be good at listening to other people's opinions and not believing in slanders?
Focha: I think we'd better open the computer notebook of the historical monarch and see what they think.
Emperor Taizong: "You are a wise man, but you are far from a villain." The masters of Zhu Gekongming also wipe your eyes, clearly realize your position in their minds, and accept the advice of the wise with an open mind, ha-(leaving with a smile)
Li Longji: My ancestors are too abstruse for me to understand them. Let's take a look at foreign wise men.
Dante: Go your own way and let others talk.
Polish proverb: People who often ask for directions will never get lost.
Senac: To believe everything is the same as to doubt everyone.
Focha: Although there are different views, I can see common ground. That is, as Emperor Taizong said, distinguish between good and bad first, and then carefully absorb the beneficial opinions of others on this basis. Of course, the most important thing is to distinguish right from wrong. Hey, do you understand? Li Ge?
Li Longji: I see! I have to tell modern people at once and let them learn from history!
Highlights perspective articles are novel in imagination and ingenious in conception. Beyond the realistic concept of time and space, the author skillfully arranged the meeting of two conquered kings, dialectically expounded the relationship between "believing in yourself and listening to others' opinions" through their dialogue, and put forward the viewpoint of distinguishing right from wrong and making good use of words, which is in line with the meaning of the topic. The novel dialogue form and dialectical philosophical thinking have reached an organic unity.