The allusion of this sentence comes from the Analects of Confucius Taber: "Confucius said: If you are not in your place, you will not seek your own government." Confucius said, "If you are not in that position, you will not consider things in that position." Later, it evolved into an official saying: seek its own government in its place and be loyal to its duties.
The Analects of Confucius Taibo is an article in The Analects of Confucius, with a total of 2 1 chapter, which involves the evaluation of ancient kings such as Yao Shunyu by Confucius and his students. The further development of Confucius' teaching methods and educational thoughts; The concrete content of Confucius' moral thought and Ceng Zi's views on some issues.
This paper consists of 2 1 chapters, among which the famous sentence is: "The bird is dying, and its song is also sad;" People will die, and words are good "; After the death of "a long way to go", "people can create it, but they can't let it be known" not in place, not seeking their own government "and so on. The basic content of this paper involves the evaluation of ancient kings such as Yao Shunyu by Confucius and his students. The further development of Confucius' teaching methods and educational thoughts; The concrete content of Confucius' moral thought and Ceng Zi's views on some issues.