According to the system of the law of twelve averages, we can start from any semitone (DO, #DO, RE, #RE, mi, FA, #FA, SOL, #SOL, la, #LA, SI) and make a brand-new major according to the rhythm interval arrangement order of major, taking C major as an example: I, II, III, IV, V.
1. According to the basic law of twelve averages, natural minor is completely semi-complete. Harmony minor is the relationship of full half, full half and two and a half degrees.
2. Natural minor improves level 7 by one and a half tones, that is, harmony minor. 6,7, 1,2,3,4,#5,6。
3. The major is based on do, namely 1234567 1. The minor is based on la, namely 67 123456. 4. Melody minor, rising to six or seven levels when going up, and recovering to six or seven levels when going down.