What is the origin of Women’s Day?
March 8th every year is International Women’s Day. The following is a bilingual reading about the origin of Women's Day for your reference!?
International?Women's?Day?is?celebrated?each?year?on?March?8th.?Groups?around ?the?world?use?this?day?to?honor?the?progress?of?women.?They?also?use?the?day?to?call?attention?to?the?social,?political?and ?economic?problems?facing?women?and?girls.?Among?the?issues?are?forced?marriage,?sexual?abuse,?poverty?and?a?lack?of?education.?
< p>People celebrate International Women's Day on March 8 every year. Organizations at all levels around the world use this day to recognize the development of women's careers and also call attention to the social, political and economic issues faced by women and girls. Among these problems are arranged marriages, sexual assault, poverty and lack of education. ?National?Women's?Day?was?first?celebrated?in?the?United?States?on?February?28th,?1909.?The?next?year,?a?women's?rights ?leader?from?Germany?suggested?the?idea?of?an?international?celebration.?On February 28, 1909, Americans celebrated Women's Day domestically for the first time. A year later, a women's rights leader from Germany came up with the idea of ??celebrating International Women's Day. ?
More?than?1,000,000?people?attended?events?in?Austria,?Denmark,?Germany,?and?Switzerland?during?the?first?International?Women's?Day.?It? took?place?in?1911.?
The first celebration of Women's Day was in 1911. During this period, more than 1 million people participated in the International Women's Day in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Sweden. Celebrations. ?
In?1914,?the?date?for?the?observance?was?changed?to?March?8th?in?honor?of?a?historic?protest?for?women's?rights .?15,000?women?marched?in?New?York?City?on?March?8th?1908.?They?marched?to?demand?better?pay,?shorter?work?hours,?and?the?right ?to?vote.?
In 1914, in order to commemorate a women's rights protest movement of great historical significance, people changed the date of celebration to March 8. On March 8, 1908, 15,000 women took to the streets of New York City to march, demanding higher wages, shorter working hours, and the right to vote. ?
International Women's Day is a public holiday in some countries. These countries include China, Russia, Bulgaria and Vietnam.