It doesn't matter. There are three main uses. (1) thanking others for their answers means "You're welcome; You're welcome ",which means nothing. /Not at all. /You're welcome, etc. For example:-Thank you very much, Lily. Thank you Lily. -that's OK. You're welcome (2) the answer when apologizing to others means "it doesn't matter; Don't mind ",which means it doesn't matter. Or forget it. For example,-Sorry, I'm late for school. Sorry, I'm late for school. -It's okay. It doesn't matter. 3) In customs, checkpoints and other places, the inspectors found nothing suspicious after checking the documents and parcels of entry-exit personnel, and often said that it doesn't matter, meaning "OK; No problem. " Can I see your ID card? May I see your ID card? -All right. Here you are. Okay, here you are. -It's okay. Thank you. No problem, thank you.
There is only one correct usage. Right here means "correct; Right "is mainly used to express affirmation of something, that is, to agree with the other party's views or opinions." In spoken English, you can answer directly with right. -I think she is a teacher. I think she is a teacher. -That's right. That's right.
Not at all 1. Not at all, not at all. 2. [Politeness] It's okay, don't mention it, don't mention it (= [American] You're welcome. )
Never mind 1) Never mind, don't worry. -I'm afraid I broke your cup. -It's okay. It's old. I'm going to throw it away. (Not important) Did you fall and hurt your knee? Never mind, I'll put a bandage on it. Don't worry about (something or something, or doing something) Don't worry about someone or something-you go, I'll come later. (About people) This is money for you. Never mind paying me back; You can keep it. (about things) 3) Take back the previous statement. -What does that mean? -What?
-It's okay. (I didn't hear you clearly or understand you. I'll ask you again. You have to forget it. )