Ancient scholars must have teachers. A teacher is the one who preaches the truth, receives karma and resolves doubts. People are not born with knowledge, how can they be free from confusion? If you are confused and do not follow the teacher, it is confusion, and you will never be able to understand it. When he was born before me, he heard the Tao, and he came to me first, so I learned from him; when he was born after me, when he heard the Tao, he came to me first, so I learned from him. My teacher, do you know who was born to me one year or another? Therefore, there is neither high nor low, neither long nor short. Where the Tao exists, the teacher exists.
Sigh! It has been a long time since the teacher's teachings have been passed on, and it is difficult for others to be clear of confusion. The ancient saints were also far away from others, and they still asked if they were teachers. Today's people are also far away from the saints, and they are ashamed to learn from their teachers. Therefore, the saint will benefit the saint, and the fool will benefit the fool. Is this why saints are saints and fools are fools? If you love your son, you will choose a teacher and teach him; if you are concerned about your son, you will be ashamed of the teacher and confused. The teacher of the boy, who teaches the book and then learns its sentences, is not what I call someone who teaches his way and solves his confusion. I don't know how to read a sentence, I don't understand it when I'm confused, maybe it's a teacher's fault, or maybe it's not a good idea. Witch doctors, musicians, and people of all kinds of craftsmanship are not ashamed of physiognomists. The clan of scholar-bureaucrats would gather in groups and laugh at those who said "teacher" or "disciple". When asked, he said: He is similar to that year, and the Tao is similar. A low position is shameful, and a high official is close to flattery. Alas! It can be seen that the teacher's way is no longer restored. Witch doctors, musicians, and all kinds of people who are skilled in craftsmanship are looked down upon by superior men, but now their wisdom is beyond their reach. How strange that is!
The sage is the teacher of impermanence. Confucius studied under Tanzi, Changhong, Xiang and Laodan. The disciples of Tanzi were not as wise as Confucius. Confucius said, "When three people walk together, there must be my teacher." Therefore, the disciple does not have to be inferior to the teacher, and the teacher does not have to be better than the disciple. There is a certain order of learning, and there is a specialization in the arts, that's all.
Zi Pan, a seventeen-year-old son of the Li family, was good at ancient Chinese prose and had a thorough knowledge of all the classics and biographies of the six arts. Yu Jiaqi was able to practice the ancient way and wrote "Shi Shuo" to teach him.
2. Confucius’s Classical Chinese
"Ten Analects of Confucius"
1. Confucius said: "Isn’t it a pleasure to have friends come from afar? ? Isn’t it a gentleman if he doesn’t know something but doesn’t know it? ” 2. Zengzi said: “I will examine myself three times in a day: whether I am unfaithful to my friends, whether I am disloyal to my friends, or whether I am not accustomed to teaching.”
3. Confucius said: "Those who review the past and learn the new can become a teacher."
4. Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is a waste, and thinking without learning is peril."
5. The Confucius said: "You know what you know! If you know something, you know it. If you don't know it, you don't know it. This is knowledge."
6. Confucius said: "When you see a virtuous person, you think about it, but when you see an unworthy person, you know it." And it’s about introspection."
7. Confucius said: "When three people walk together, they must have a teacher from me; choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones."
8. Zengzi said: "A scholar cannot be without great perseverance. The responsibilities are heavy and the road is long. Benevolence takes one's responsibility, and it is not as important as death. It is not as far as it is."
9. Confucius said: "Sui After the cold, we know that the pines and cypresses will wither."
10. Zigong asked: "Is there anyone who can say something that can be implemented throughout your life?" Confucius said: "Forgive me! Don't do to others what you don't want others to do. To others." 3. The answer to Confucius's advice in classical Chinese.
Original article Zi Lu met Confucius, and Confucius asked him, "Why are you so happy?" He replied, "I like a long sword." Confucius said: " That's not what I'm asking. I'm just saying that if I add knowledge to what I can do, how can it be achieved?" Zilu said, "Is there any benefit to learning?" Confucius said, "If you have no advice for your ministers, then you can't do it." If a man is not upright, he will lose his hearing if he has no followers. When he rides a wild horse without letting go of his policy, he does not bow his bow. When a tree receives a rope, it becomes straight. When a man receives admonishment, he becomes a saint. "An evil official who destroys benevolence will be punished. A gentleman must learn from it." Zilu said: "There is bamboo in Nanshan. If you don't rub it, it will straighten itself. If you cut it and use it, it will reach the rhinoceros leather. In this way, how can you learn it?" "Confucius said: "If you enclose it and feather it, and sharpen it with an arrowhead, wouldn't it be so deep?" Zilu bowed again and said, "I respect you and have been taught." Excerpted from the editor's note for this paragraph ① Is it the same as " "It" is a pronoun, equivalent to "who". ② Qi: Expresses a rhetorical tone, equivalent to "Is it possible". ③ Release: release. Ce: horse whip. ④栠: (qíng) a tool for correcting the crossbow. Anti: objection, extension To "discard". ⑤Admonition: outspoken advice, criticism. Sheng: understanding, wise. ⑥Study: learn from a teacher. Zhi: attach importance to, pay attention to. ⑦Knead: Processing. ⑧Rhinoceros leather: Rhinoceros leather products. ⑨Enclosed: Arrow The end of the arrow. Feather: used as a verb, refers to attaching arrow feathers. ⑩锞: (zú): arrowhead, used as a verb, referring to "installing arrowheads". Sharpen: Whetstone, used as a verb, that is, "sharpening". ⑾Respect: Thank you. Edit this paragraph translation. Zilu paid a visit to Confucius. Confucius said to Zilu: "What are your preferences?" Zilu replied: "I like long swords." Confucius said: "I am not asking this. With your talent, Coupled with learning, we should be able to have good talents." Zilu said: "Can learning increase our abilities? Confucius said, "It's just like if a king doesn't have ministers who dare to advise him, he will make mistakes in political affairs; if a scholar doesn't have friends who can correct his shortcomings, his moral character will be defective. You can't put down the whip on a horse with a wild temperament, and you can't use a bow and arrow. Change the auxiliary tree at will. Trees can grow straight if they are pulled with ink ropes. People who can accept good words and advice can have noble character. Accept teachings and ask questions carefully. There is nothing that cannot be learned. Those who violate benevolence and only do evil things Anyone who is a man must accept the sanctions of the country's laws at any time. Therefore, a gentleman must learn." Zilu said: "There is a kind of bamboo in Nanshan. It is very straight without being kneaded and roasted. After being sharpened and shot out, it can penetrate the thick skin of a rhinoceros. So why do some things need to be learned if they are gifted? Confucius said: "If you put feathers on the tail of the arrow and sharpen the arrow, wouldn't the arrow be able to shoot deeper and farther?" "After hearing this, Zilu thanked him and said, "I really benefited a lot." Edit this paragraph Brief analysis This article is selected from "Confucius' Family Sayings", which records a conversation between Confucius and Zilu when they first met. From it, we can understand that Confucius was good at teaching, The educational thought that teaches people tirelessly. "If you are not angry, you will not be enlightened; if you are not angry, you will not be angry." Facing Zilu's doubts and rhetorical questions, Confucius took advantage of the situation and corrected Zilu's words concisely and profoundly.
The views are irrefutable. It is evident from this that Confucius is an educator and thinker. The implication: People cannot rely solely on talent, but must study diligently and practice more in order to improve themselves! In the opening chapter, Confucius's students put forward a passage that seemed to have no preface and follow-up. Confucius said: "Isn't it a pleasure to learn and practice it over time? Isn't it a pleasure to have friends come from afar? People don't know and are not surprised. , Aren’t you a gentleman?” What thoughts did Confucius want to express? In junior high school, the teacher separated into three sentences, which are easy to understand: I often review what I have learned in the past, and friends come to see me from afar, which are all happy things; someone who does not understand himself but is not angry is not a gentleman. What? It is even more worthy of joy. Indeed, it is very honorable to be a gentleman in Confucius's eyes, although it may seem a bit silly now. In fact, Chinese people are often good at analyzing when doing knowledge, but their comprehensive ability is often lacking. Mr. Nan Huaijin An explanation of this sentence was given in "The Analects of Confucius", which sounds more logical, but it is not clear whether it is consistent with the original meaning. He said that these are three things connected by cause and effect: review in order to make My reputation is so profound that my friends from far away come here because of my reputation. Unexpectedly, my friend’s views are inconsistent with my own, so I don’t worry about getting angry. In this way, I become a gentleman in happiness, “isn’t it wonderful”? Learning requires two behaviors - learning and thinking. In "Wei Zheng Chapter 2", Confucius said: "Learning without thinking is useless, thinking without learning is peril." This means that learning without thinking will lead to failure. Being confused and gaining nothing; thinking without studying will lead to slacking off and gaining nothing. These are the two extremes in the learning process. In high school, this sentence has always been my motto. I should really thank Old Master Confucius for being admitted to college. My deskmate failed, but he worked as hard as me. It’s not that I’m luckier than him, I think it’s because of this sentence. He is very good at asking questions, but rarely thinks independently. In fact, thinking also requires learning A skill. My deskmate must be confused. Which is more important, learning or thinking? In "Wei Ling Gong Chapter 15", Confucius said: "I will not eat all day long and stay up all night to think, which is useless. It is better to learn." If you understand this sentence hastily, it seems that learning is more important than thinking. In fact, it is useless. Otherwise, Confucius said this, and I can also say it the other way around. If I don’t eat all day long or sleep all night long, it will be useless to study. It is better to think. Learning and thinking are two wheels for the advancement of knowledge, and one is indispensable. Confucius is very Pay attention to the importance of review in the learning process. "Reviewing the past and learning the new can make you a teacher." Reviewing what you have learned and gaining new experiences can become a teacher. "Every day you know what you have lost, and every month you forget what you can do." "You can be said to be eager to learn." If you remember what you are about to forget every day and do not forget what you have learned every month, you can be said to be eager to learn. In high school, the teacher once told us about the law of forgetting. What we learned in the past must be in the past. Only by reviewing it within 24 hours can it be remembered and formed into a long-term memory. If you read it again on the second or third day, you will remember it longer. Zengzi said: "I will examine myself three times in a day. I will be unfaithful when I seek others." Are you not trusting your friends? "Check yourself every day to see if you have done three things well: Are you loyal in making plans for others? Are you trustworthy when interacting with friends? Have you reviewed what the teacher said? Every eager to learn person is struggling with forgetfulness. The methods that Confucius discovered during his decades of study were passed on to his students without reservation. In terms of learning attitude, first of all, Confucius believed that "those who know well are not as good as those who know well." "Those who like it are not as good as those who enjoy it." That is to say, what you know is not as good as what you like, and what you like is not as good as taking pleasure in it. Interest is the best teacher. Confucius also paid attention to guiding students to cultivate interest in learning, which is better than learning. 4. Famous ancient Chinese sayings about education
1. To transform people into customs, they must be learned. ——From "Book of Rites. Records of Learning" compiled by Dai Sheng of the Western Han Dynasty.
This means that if a gentleman wants to educate the people and create good customs and habits, he must start with education. It expresses the academic spirit that the greatest responsibility of education is not to pass on knowledge, but to change customs. Reflect social standardism.
2. The king of ancient times, who founded the country and ruled the people, put teaching first. ——From "Book of Rites. Records of Learning" compiled by Dai Sheng of the Western Han Dynasty.
It means that when ancient kings established countries and governed their people, they regarded education as their top priority. It embodies the social-oriented view of education.
3. The Tao cannot be pulled, the strong cannot be restrained, the open cannot be reached.
——From "Book of Rites. Records of Learning" compiled by Dai Sheng of the Western Han Dynasty.
It means guiding students, rather than leading them; encouraging students, rather than suppressing students; inspiring students, rather than making conclusions for students. Embody the principles of inspiring teaching.
4. Learn and practice from time to time - from "The Analects of Confucius·Xueer" by Confucius and his disciples
Original text: Learn and practice from time to time.
Confucius said: "Isn't it a joyful thing to learn how to treat others and practice it in a timely manner?"
5. Review the past and learn the new - from The Analects of Confucius and his disciples
The original text is: Confucius said: If you review the past and learn the new, you can become a teacher.
Meaning: Confucius said: "A person who reviews old knowledge (referring to learned knowledge) and thereby acquires new knowledge (referring to unlearned knowledge) can become a teacher." Reflect the principle of consolidative teaching. 5. The original text of "Confucius the Educator"
Confucius: His surname is Kong, his surname is Qiu, and his courtesy name is Zhongni. "Zi" is an honorific title for adult men in ancient times. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, adult men with a certain social status could be called "Zi", and they all wanted others to call themselves "Zi" because "Zi" was also a kind of title. , the so-called "Gonghou Bozinan". However, there are generally two types of people who can really win the title of "Tzu" from others: either those with higher credibility in society, such as "teacher"; or those who are more moral aristocrats; Confucius and Laozi belong to the former. Confucius is the greatest statesman, thinker, educator and military strategist in ancient my country. The founder of Confucianism and the world's most famous literary celebrity. Together with Mencius, he is called "Confucius and Mencius". Confucius is the "Sage" and Mencius is the "foreign king"
According to records, Confucius's ancestors were descendants of the Yin Shang (Dongyi tribe), so he was named Zi . After the Zhou Dynasty destroyed the Shang Dynasty, King Wu of the Zhou Dynasty granted him the title of concubine brother of King Zhou of the Shang Dynasty. Weizi Qi, a famous and loyal official of the Shang Dynasty, came to the Song Dynasty (Xiayi). After the death of Wei Ziqi, his younger brother Wei Zhong came to the throne, and Wei Zhong was the ancestor of Confucius. After Kong Fujia, the sixth ancestor of Confucius, descendants began to take Kong as their surname. His great-grandfather Kong Fangshu fled from Song to Lu in order to escape the civil strife in Song. Confucius's father, Shu Liang He (the courtesy name is Shu Liang and He is his given name), was a famous warrior in the state of Lu. Uncle Liang He first married Shi Yaoying and gave birth to nine daughters but no son. His concubine gave birth to a son Meng Pi, but he had enough. disease. Under the circumstances at that time, neither women nor disabled sons were suitable heirs. In his later years, Uncle Liang He and the young woman Yan Zheng gave birth to Confucius. Confucius's great thoughts have a lot to do with Confucius' mother. His mother Yan Zhengzai and his grandfather Yan Xiang had a profound influence on Confucius. Because Confucius's mother went to Niqiu Mountain to pray and then conceived Confucius, and because the middle of Confucius' head was concave when he was born, it looked like Niqiu Mountain, so he named him Qiu, with the courtesy name Zhongni (Bo, Zhong, Shu and Ji are brothers). In the ranking of seniority, "Bo" is the eldest, "Zhong" is the second, "Uncle" is the third, and "Ji" is the youngest. Confucius's courtesy name is Zhongni. From the word "Zhong" we can see that he is among the brothers. Ranked second in the family, but if the sisters are also sorted together, the order is Meng, Zhong, Shu, Ji. Among the brothers and sisters, the eldest (eldest brother or sister) is "Meng", so Confucius ranks eldest in the family. Second, his nickname is Zhongni, but his brother's nickname is "Mengpi" instead of "Bopi"). When Confucius was three years old, his uncle Liang He died of illness. After that, Confucius' family was very poor. Because we were in troubled times, there was no room for the benevolent government advocated by Confucius to be implemented. However, during the three months of governing the state of Lu, the powerful state of Qi also feared Confucius' talents, which shows that Confucius is worthy of the title of an outstanding statesman. Political dissatisfaction caused Confucius to devote a large part of his energy to education. Confucius once served as a military commander in the State of Lu, and later traveled around the country with his disciples. Finally, he returned to the State of Lu and concentrated on teaching. Confucius broke the educational monopoly and pioneered private education. Confucius had as many as three thousand disciples, including seventy-two sages, many of whom were high-ranking officials in various countries.
Confucius had a profound influence on later generations. Although he "stated but did not compose", he was already known as "the sage of heaven", "the wooden duo of heaven" and "the eternal saint" when he was alive. One of the most learned men in society.
Later generations also respected him as the "Holy Saint" (the saint among saints) and "the teacher of all generations". They believed that he had revised "Poems" and "Books", set "Rites" and "Music", and prefaced the "Book of Changes" (called the "Book of Changes"). 》Shiyi, or Yi Zhuan), wrote "Spring and Autumn". The Analects of Confucius is one of the classic works of the Confucian school, compiled by Confucius's disciples and his disciples. It is mainly in the style of quotations and dialogues, recording the words and deeds of Confucius and his disciples, and embodies Confucius' political opinions, ethical thoughts, moral concepts and educational principles. Together with "The Great Learning", "The Doctrine of the Mean" and "Mencius", it is also known as the "Four Books". The current edition of "The Analects" contains twenty chapters. The language of "The Analects" is concise and concise, and its meaning is profound. Many of its remarks are still regarded as the truth by the world today.
American poet and philosopher Emerson believed that "Confucius is the glory of all nations in the world."
In 1988, 75 Nobel Prize winners issued a joint declaration in Paris, calling on the world that "if humans want to survive in the 21st century, they must learn from the wisdom of Confucius two thousand years ago." 6. About Confucius" What are the classical Chinese texts about "teaching students according to their aptitude"? Zi Lu asked: "What do you do when you hear this?" Confucius said: "How can you hear this and do what you do when your father and brother are here?" Ran You asked: "What do you do when you hear this?" "Zi said: "I heard that I did it." Gong Xihua said: "You asked, "I heard that you did it." Zi said, "My father and brother are here." '. Chi Ye is confused, so he dares to ask. "Confucius said: "To pursue is to retreat, so to move forward; because of the pursuit of others, to retreat."
Edit the translation of this paragraph.
Confucius often taught students to be consistent in their words and deeds, and not to be clever in their words. One day, Zilu said to Confucius: "The way of benevolence and righteousness taught by Sir is really desirable! Should these principles I heard be put into practice immediately?" Confucius said: "You have a father and brothers here, and they all need it. You go and take care of him, how can you practice these principles after hearing them?" Confucius was afraid that Zilu would kill himself before he could support his father and brother. After a while, Ran You also came and asked: "Sir! Should I practice the principles of benevolence and righteousness that I heard from you immediately?" Confucius said, "I should practice them after hearing them." Now standing Gong Xihua on the other side was confused and couldn't help but ask Confucius: "Sir! Zi Lu asked if he should act after hearing it. The gentleman said that since his father and brother were here, he couldn't do it immediately. Ran You asked if he should act after hearing it. The gentleman said that he should act after hearing it. "I don't understand, sir?" Confucius said: "Ran You is a coward, so he must be courageous. Zi Lu is brave, so he must neutralize his violence."
Yan Yuan asked Ren. Confucius said: "To restrain oneself and restore propriety is benevolence." Zhong Gong asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "When you go out, you feel like you are seeing a distinguished guest, and your people feel like you are receiving a great sacrifice. Don't do to others what you don't want others to do to you. No resentment in the country, no resentment at home." Sima Niu asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "The words of a benevolent person are also criticism." ("The Analects of Confucius·Yan Yuan") Zigong asked about benevolence. Confucius said: "If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his tools. If you live in this country, serve the wise men of its officials, and make friends with the benevolent scholars." ("The Analects of Confucius: Wei Linggong") Zi Zhang asked Confucius about benevolence. . Confucius said: "He who can do the five things in the world is benevolent." "Excuse me." He said: "Respect, generosity, trust, sensitivity, and benefit." ("The Analects of Confucius Yang Huo") There are many such examples, such as "Ask about etiquette", "ask about politics", "ask about gentlemen", etc.