In almost all important cities in the United States, there is a street or a school called Martin? Lu Se? Named after Kim, which is enough to show that Martin? Lu Se? The greatness of gold. Most of these streets and schools are located in black communities, which shows that Martin? Lu Se? How deeply Kim's career has been misunderstood.
Martin? Lu Se? King was assassinated on the balcony of a hotel in Memphis, Tennessee. He has been away from us for nearly 30 years. People have always regarded him as the leader of the black movement for equality, so they deeply love him. What he did not only freed blacks from the shackles of the long-term apartheid policy, but also freed whites from the hypocritical racial policy that lasted for centuries. It is because of King and the movement he led that the United States can proudly declare itself as the "leader of the free world" without any criticism and contempt. On the contrary, if Kim and his movement fail, most parts of the United States will still maintain a similar situation to South Africa, which implements the "apartheid policy."
How does the United States brazenly pull down the same "cotton curtain" in the southern United States while denouncing the "iron curtain"?
Even after 1954, the high court abolished the apartheid policy, the protection of human rights advocated by the world is still both a law and a practice in most parts of the United States. Before King and his movement, there were many incidents of black people being discriminated against. Tired and decent seamstress Rosa? Parks was once sentenced to prison for refusing to give up his seat to a white man on an Alabama bus. Six-year-old black girl rupee? Cereal porridge was bullied and abused by a child in New Orleans because he wanted to go to the same school as white children. Emmett, a black boy of 14 years old? Deere was hunted down by a gang in Mississippi just for criticizing a white woman. Even blacks with higher education still have no right to vote, and they cannot serve in the courts; They can't have lunch with white people at the lunch table; Can't register in the hotel, can't use a room for white people to rest; They can't buy or rent a house of their choice. In some rural towns in the southern United States, if whites cross the road, blacks will even be forced to leave the sidewalk.
Martin? Lu Se? Kim's movement swept away all this. He won such a complete victory that even if these things happen again in the memory of a new generation, they all look like ancient history, which is gone forever. Although this revolution is the result of encouragement from thousands of brave men and women for two centuries, Martin? Lu Se? King pushed the revolution to the extreme. I can't imagine whether this revolution would have started without his leadership. As we usually say, he is the right person at the right time. First, Martin? Lu Se? King is a missionary, and his speech is cadence. He is an ideal figure who moves towards freedom. He draws courage from the stories in the Old Testament of Israel and the legends in the New Testament of Jesus Christ. Pastoral career not only brought him into contact with the black soul, but also established his position in the black church (the most authoritative and independent black group in the past and present).
Besides, Martin? Lu Se? Kim is a man who risked his life. His non-violent beliefs never lead to deviant behavior. From the moment he took the leadership position in montgomery county, Alaska in 1955 to his assassination three years later, he faced hundreds of death threats. His home in montgomery county was bombed, and his wife and children were killed. He was chased by Hoover's FBI. His phone and room were bugged. They spread rumors everywhere and even threatened him to commit suicide after he 1964 won the Nobel Peace Prize. Like Martin? Lu Se? Kim said that every moment of his life was spent under threat. He will receive threatening phone calls late at night: "Nigger, we are tired of you and your behavior. If you don't leave this town in three days, we will break your head and blow up your house. " Martin? Lu Se? The king was shocked. He went to the kitchen and began to pray. "I can hear a heartfelt voice say to me, Martin? Luther, we should uphold justice, fairness and truth. You see, I will stay with you until the end of the world. "
However, in recent years, Martin? Lu Se? King's most quoted famous saying-"I have a dream that one day my four children will live in a country where they will no longer be judged by their skin color and personality." -became the slogan of his opponent. Ward in California? Korneli pointed out that if Martin? Lu Se? Kim is still alive. He's already on their side. Last year, even on Kim Jong Il's birthday, Cornelli announced the start of a national campaign against "racial priority".
Is this for Martin? Lu Se? The castration of Kim's will What they filtered out was his radicalism and sense of urgency. Martin? Lu Se? King once warned: "We came to our capital to cash this check." He said: "when the entrepreneurs of our Republic wrote down the magnificent words of the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence, they also signed a check for every American citizen, which can be passed down from generation to generation;" However, they violated this sacred duty. They gave the black people a bad check and a check with insufficient amount. "