Kamen Rider Dragon: The Last Chapter (EPISODEFINAL of the Dragon Knight) is the theatrical version of the second installment of the series of masked knights in Heisei, and it is also the theatrical version of Kamen Rider Dragon. The film starring Takamasa Suga, Satoshi Matsuda, Sugiyama Chennai, Kenzaburo Kikuji and Natsuki Kato was released in Japanese cinemas on August 6th, 2002.
According to the TV version of the story, there are only six knights left in the battle: Shinji Kido (Kurosaki), Akiyama Lotus (Nozaki), Kitaoka Hideyoshi (Iron Warrior), Ohja (Snake King), Kirishima Meihe (Bai Niao /FEMME) and the mysterious Longya Longjia. Kirishima Misui became
The knight's purpose is to kill asakura, avenge his sister and bring her back to life. Kitaoka is a lawyer who helped asakura get rid of murder.
Because of his guilt, he helped Miho many times, but Miho refused to accept it, which made him quit.
A battle between knights. In order to get revenge, Misui, despite Paul's stop, still fights with asakura many times, but instead, she is in crisis. When asakura attacked Misui, Longya suddenly appeared to rescue Misui, and overwhelmed the snake king with great strength.
, so Miho successfully killed asakura.
Extended data:
Introduction of debutantes-
1, Dragon Rider (Kurosaki)
Deformation: Shinji Kido, with the "V-shaped buckle" and the blank "card box" corresponding to Dragon Ride, is deformed into a body shape. Take "control saber" and "control shield" as weapons. It is a gesture before signing a contract with "Dragon Crimson" or when losing the card of "Dragon Crimson". Without the dragon, the design and other details of each part are different. Compared with the usual form, the combat capability is obviously reduced, and the AP with available cards is extremely low.
Step 2 ride at night
Transformation: Qiu Shanlian, using the "V buckle" with the knight's exclusive "stuck" to transform the basic form. Take "Winged Sword Dark Summoner", "Winged Spearmer" and "Wing Barrier" as weapons. The strength is not strong, but the speed is excellent. In addition to using the "dark summoner of wing sword" for fast and gorgeous fencing, he is also good at using a wealth of special cards for clever tactics.
3. Iron warrior
Deformation: Hideyoshi Kitaoka uses the "V-buckle" to match the basic form of Zü rda's exclusive "ferrule" deformation. Take "machine gun, huge summoner", "huge launcher", "huge cannon", "huge horn", "huge armor" and "huge detector" as weapons. All cards are basically the call of guns, and they are mainly good at shooting.