1. No father, no king, an animal. Mencius, treat your parents the way you want your children to treat you. Isokrates。 Repaying parents' kindness is also a respect for human labor. As the saying goes, the thread in the hands of a loving mother makes clothes for her wayward son. Meng Jiao showed great concern for his relatives and was very filial. Zhuangzi
If you hold your relatives back, it is disrespectful to them. Shu Wei in Romance of the Three Kingdoms is as happy as a young man when he is old! Youth is like a lark, with its morning song; Old age, like a nightingale, should have its serenade. Kant's filial piety to his parents can often replace the noblest feelings. Mencius
In the eyes of parents, children are often a part of themselves, and children are his ideal chance to start over. Xiao Fei But this inch-long grass has got three rays of spring. What love is this? Meng Jiao's dutiful sons don't flatter their relatives, loyal ministers don't flatter their princes, and courtiers are prosperous. Zhuangzi was a filial piety and admired his parents all his life. Only filial piety can relieve worries. Mencius
It is natural and normal to respect the elderly. Respect is not only expressed in words, but also in actions. David dyke. Filial piety can be shown in front of parents, and a filial piety is a good child; Aunt Weng can be filial, but she falls on filial piety and morality. It means: filial piety to parents is a good boy, and filial piety to in-laws can give you a reputation for filial piety and virtue. Persuade the newspaper and show kindness to others