13: 1 If I can speak the dialects of thousands of people and the words of angels, but have no love, I will become a sounding gong and a sounding cymbal.
13:2 if I have the ability of a prophet, understand all kinds of mysteries and knowledge, and have all kinds of confidence, so that I can move mountains, but have no love, I am nothing.
13:3 If I give all my money to the poor and give myself up to be burned, but I don't have love, it will still do me no good.
13:4 love is patient and kind; Love is not jealous, love is not boastful, not puffed up,
13:5 Not doing shy things, not seeking your own benefits, not getting angry easily, is not evil.
13:6 don't like injustice, just like truth;
13:7 tolerate everything, believe everything, hope everything and endure everything;
Love will never stop. The prophet's ability to preach will eventually disappear; The ability to speak dialects will eventually stop; Knowledge will eventually disappear.
13:9 What we know now is limited, and what the prophet said is also limited.
When the whole comes, the limited will come to nothing.
13: 1 1 When I was a child, my words were like children, and my thoughts were like children. When you become a man, you will forget your children.
13: 12 Now we seem to be looking in the mirror, vaguely, and then we will face each other. What I know now is limited, and then I will know everything, just as the Lord knows me.
Now there is always faith, hope and love; Of the three, the biggest is love.