2. Then, select the "Header and Footer" option in the "Chapter" menu bar, and the whole document will enter the header and footer editing mode.
3. Then enter the header content of the person who wants the input method at the blinking cursor, and the header unification is completed!
4. Finally, edit the footer. You can edit the footer directly by clicking it. Of course, you can also click "Header and Footer Toggle" to add footer content to the article.
5. After editing the header and footer, let's introduce how to operate different header and footer settings on the first page or even-odd page.
First, find "Header and Footer Options" in the toolbar.
6. Click "Header and Footer Options" and a menu bar will appear. As shown in the figure below, the home page and the parity page have different settings, so you can choose according to your actual situation, and finally click OK.
Shortcut keys for processing WPS documents
Create a new document Ctrl+N or Alt+F+N (corresponding to new)
Open the document Ctrl+O or Alt+F+O (corresponding to open).
Close the document Ctrl+W or alt+w+cw+c.
Save the current document Ctrl+S or Alt+F+S (corresponding to save).
Save the document as F 12 or Alt+F+A (corresponding to save as).
Print the document Ctrl+P or Alt+F+P (corresponding to printing).
Find text, formatting, and special items
Replace text, special formats and special items
Navigate to a page, section or bookmark
Turn the mark revision function Ctrl+Shift+E on or off.
Insert annotation Alt+I+M
Switch to page view Alt+V+L
Switch to the outliner Alt+V+O or ctrl+alt+o.
Raise the level of style and format Ctrl+Alt+→
Improve the level of style and format Ctrl+Alt+Ⅲ.
Restore the style and format to the "body" level Cthrl+Shit+N
Count the number of words in the document Alt+T+W or cthrl+shit+g.
WPS moves the insertion cursor
Move one character to the left ← (left, left arrow keys)
Move one character to the right → (right, right arrow key)
Move one word to the left Ctrl+↓
Move one word to the right Ctrl+→
Go home at the head of the line
Move to the end of the line
Move up one line ↑ (up, up arrow key)
Move down one line ↓ (down, down arrow key)
Move up one ctrl+=
Press Ctrl+↓ to move down.
Move up one screen (scroll) PageUp.
Move one screen down (scroll) to page down.
Go to the beginning of the document Ctrl+Home.
Go to the end of the document Ctrl+End
Select text or graphic shortcuts.
Select the entire document ctrl+a.
Select discontinuous text Ctrl+ mouse drag.
Select consecutive words, drag with the mouse or Shift+ click the beginning and end.
Please move the selected characters+to the left.
Select a character Shift+→ to the right.
Select the previous word to start Ctrl+Shift+←.
Select to the end of the next word Ctrl+Shift+→
Select Shift+Home at the beginning of the line.
Select Shift+End at the end of the line.
Select Shift+Write to the previous line.
Select to the next line Shift+↓
Select the beginning of the paragraph Ctrl+Shift+Write.
Select to the end of the paragraph Ctrl+Shift+↓
Select to the beginning of the document.
Select to the end of the document Ctrl+Shift+End.
Shortcuts to menu bars, right-click menus, tabs and dialog boxes
Activate the menu bar Alt or F 10.
Select the option Alt+ letters (underlined letters after the option)
Cancel the command and close the tab or dialog box.
Execute the default button (usually "OK") and enter.
Switch to the next tab Ctrl+Tab
Switch to the previous tab Ctrl+Shift+Tab
Move to the next option or option group tab
Move to the previous option or option group Shift+Tab
Performs the specified action for the selected button space.
When the list is selected, open the selected list Alt+↓
After selecting a list, press Esc to close the selected list.
Shortcuts for formatting characters and paragraphs.
Copy format Ctrl+Shift+C
Paste format Ctrl+Shift+V
Toggle letter case Shift+F3
Change the font size (open the font drop-down box) ctrl+shift+p.
Change the character format (font in the format menu)
Open styles and formatting Ctrl+Shift+O
Apply the bold format Ctrl+B
Apply underline format Ctrl+U
Apply oblique format Ctrl+I
Increase font size Ctrl+] or ctrl+shift+> (period)
Reduce font size Ctrl+[ or ctrl+shift+
Apply subscript format (automatic spacing) Ctrl+= (equal sign)
Apply superscript format (automatic spacing) Ctrl+Shift++ (plus sign)
Center alignment Ctrl+E
Align both ends Ctrl+J
Left alignment Ctrl+L
Right alignment Ctrl+R
Scatter alignment Ctrl+Shift+J
Typesetting and editing shortcut keys
Copy Ctrl+C
Cut Ctrl+X
Paste Ctrl+V
Undo the last operation Ctrl+Z
Resume the last operation Ctrl+Y
Delete the ` one character on the left to backspace.
Delete the left word Ctrl+ backspace.
Delete a character on the right.
Delete a word Ctrl+Delete on the right (which may conflict with the hotkey of the input method)
Activate insert state insert
Insert field Ctrl+F9
Insert the line break Shift+Enter.
Insert page break Ctrl+Enter
Insert hyperlink Ctrl+K
Insert bookmark.
Insert picture Alt+I+P+F
Increase indent Shift+Alt+→
Reduce indentation shift+alt+ please.
Shortcut keys for WPS window
Minimize WPS window Alt+Space+N (space is space bar)
Maximize the WPS window Alt+Space+X or Ctrl+F 10.
Restore WPS window Alt+Space+R
Close the WPS window Alt+F4/Alt+Space+C or alt+f+x.
Toggle tabs (documents) Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab.
Close the tag (document) Ctrl+W/Ctrl+F4 or alt+w+CW+C.
Compare two documents Alt+W+B side by side.
Open the task pane Ctrl+F 1.
Open the online material Ctrl+3.
Open the home page Alt+V+E
Open help F 1 or alt+h+h.
Shortcut keys of WPS system
Help F 1
Task pane Ctrl+F 1
New blank document Ctrl+N
Switch to active sheet's previous worksheet Ctrl+PageUp.
Switch to the next worksheet in active sheet.
Edit cell shortcut key
Move the cursor to the end F2 of the cell contents.
Type the same data in multiple cells.
Line break operation Alt+Enter in cell
Enter the edit and re-edit cells to accommodate spaces.
Type the current date ctrl+;
Type the current time ctrl+shift+;
Positioning cell shortcut key
Move to the edge of the current data area Ctrl+ Arrow keys
Navigate to the title home page of the pane where the active cell is located.
Move to the beginning of the worksheet.
Move to the last cell position of the worksheet, which is located at the bottom row of the rightmost column where the data is located. Ctrl+End。
Change selection area shortcut key
Change the currently selected cell and deselect the previously selected arrow keys.
Extends the currently selected area to the Shift+ direction of adjacent rows and columns.
Extends the selection to the last non-empty cell in the same column or row as the active cell Ctrl+Shift+ Arrow keys.
Extend the selected area to the beginning of the Shift+Home line.
Extend the selection to the beginning of the worksheet.
Extend the selected range to the last used cell on the worksheet (lower right corner) Ctrl+Shift+End.
Select the entire worksheet ctrl+a.
Select an area for mouse selection.
Select multi-slice area Ctrl+ mouse selection
Use the mouse to hold down the Shift key and click to select the range from the active cell to the clicked cell.
Move from left to right in the selected area. If you select a cell in a single column, the tab will move down.
Move from right to left in the selected area. If cells in a single column are selected, Shift+Tab will move up.
Move from top to bottom in the selected area. If you select cells in a single column, move the Enter key down.
Move from bottom to top in the selected area. If cells in a single column are selected, Shift+Enter will move up.
Select the cell on the previous screen of the active cell to page up.
Select the cell PageDown on the next screen of the current cell.
Select the range Shift+PageUp to move from the current cell to the corresponding cell on the previous screen.
Select the range Shift+PageDown from the current cell to the corresponding cell on the next screen.
Keys for entering, editing, formatting and calculating data.
Complete cell input and select the next cell and press enter.
Wrap Alt+Enter in a cell
Fills the selected cell range with the current entry.
Complete cell input and select the previous cell Shift+Enter up.
Complete cell entry and select the next cell tab on the right.
Complete cell input and select the previous cell Shift+Tab to the left.
Cancel cell input
Move the character arrow keys up, down, left or right.
Move to the home at the head of the line
Repeat the last operation F4 or CTRL+Y.
The name Ctrl+Shift+F3 is created by the column symbol.
Fill down Ctrl+D
Fill Ctrl+R to the right.
Define the name Ctrl+F3
Insert hyperlink Ctrl+K
Activate hyperlink carriage return (in cells with hyperlinks)
Enter the date ctrl+; (semicolon)
Enter the time Ctrl+Shift+: (colon)
Displays the value drop-down list Alt+ down arrow in the current column of the list.
Displays the value drop-down list Alt+ down arrow in the current column of the list.
Undo the last operation Ctrl+Z
Edit function shortcut key
Delete the current page Alt+Delete
Pop-up object property setting dialog box (if no object is currently selected, pop-up page setting dialog box) Alt+Enter.
Insert a new page in the current page Alt+Insert
Select all (current page object) Ctrl+A
Set the font Ctrl+Alt+F
Set the display scale ctrl+alt+r.
Set font size
Text bold (or transparent) Ctrl+B
Delete the current page Ctrl+Delete
Enter the editing state of the layout object, or insert a new page Ctrl+Enter.
Find Ctrl+F
About … dialog Ctrl+F 1
Demo playback (from the first page) Ctrl+F5
Replace ctrl+H.
Text Add or Clear Italic Ctrl+I
Copy Ctrl+ insert
Page setup Ctrl+L
New presentation Ctrl+N
Open presentation Ctrl+O
File saving Ctrl+S
Text adds or clears bullets Ctrl+Shift+U.
Text add or clear underline Ctrl+U
File printing Ctrl+P
Skip to the last page (when no object is in text editing state) to end.
File saving F2
Play F5 from the current page.
Print preview F8
File printing F9
Jump to the first page (when no object is in text editing state) home page.
Skip to the next page and turn down the page.
Skip to the previous page and turn up the page.
Cut Shift+ delete
Paste Shift+ insert
Shortcut keys available during playback
Jump to the presentation page+enter on page X.
Black screen, or return to demo B from black screen.
Perform the previous animation or return to the previous presentation page.
Redisplay the hidden mouse pointer and change the pointer to arrow Ctrl +A A.
Hide the mouse pointer Ctrl +H immediately.
Show drawing pen Ctrl +P
Erase the picture E on the screen.
Perform the next animation or switch to the next presentation page.
Exit the demonstration and play Esc or Ctrl+Back Space.
Execute the next animation or switch to the next presentation page n.
Execute the previous animation or return to the previous presentation page p.
Perform the previous animation or return to the previous presentation page.
Perform the next animation or switch down to the next presentation page.
Stop or restart automatic presentation playback.
Displays the right-click menu Shift+F 10.
White screen, or return to demo playback from white screen.
Perform the next animation or switch to the space bar of the next presentation page.
Execute the previous animation or return to the previous presentation page.
Play the next animation or switch to the next presentation page ↓
Perform the next animation or switch to the next presentation page →
Play the previous animation or return to the previous presentation page.
Main interface shortcut key
Previous directory back space
Copy image content Ctrl+C
Refresh file list box F5
Shortcut keys for picture browsing
Copy image content Ctrl +C
(toggle) display Ctrl +F or F 1 1.
Next page picture
Page up in the previous picture