2. Allen Iverson's famous sayings
3. Seeking Iverson's famous sayings (classic quotations)
4. Iverson's most classic quotations
5. Iverson's classic quotations
6. What is Iverson's most famous quotations?
7. Iverson's classic quotations in Chinese
8. What's the most classic sentence Iverson said
Iverson's famous translation
1. Iverson Words of Wisdom, Iplayeverygameliketi * * * y last.
I will try my best to play a good game as if it were my last!
2、Nomatterwhat,justdonotgiveup.Alway *** elievethatyourdreamcaure& Just keep working for what you want to do.
Don't give up anyway. Always believe that your dream can be realized and try to achieve your goal.
3. IdonotknowhatapurePointGuardis, ijustplaytheGame &; DownhateverisNecessary towinevenitminesi havetobeselfish.
I don't know what a point guard is like. I only know that we should strive for victory with all our strength, even if we have to be selfish.
4. Theycannotbrokeme. Theonlyway tobreakmeistokill.
They can't beat me. If you want to beat me, you have to kill me!
5. Andeverythingthatdoesnotkilmemeke * * e stronger.
Everything that can't kill me will only make me stronger!
6. Idonottorespectandfearanyone.
I don't have to respect and fear anyone!
7. I'm mfarfromahater. You got talent, iloveyou.
I'm not a person who hates jealousy at all. You are talented. I love you.
8. Whocanstopmei * * e.
Only I can stop myself
9. Iplayeverygamelikiti * * y last.
I regard every game as my last
1. No matter what, just donotgiveup. Just keep working for whatever you want to do.
Don't give up anyway. Always believe that your dream can be realized and work hard for it.
11, Ialwaysthinkikouldmiss 2 Shotsand believing the 21 Stisgoining, Ijustkeep fighting.
I always feel that I will miss the top 2 shots and believe in the 21st one. I just keep fighting
Besides, this is Alan Smith's motto, not Ai's
Allen Iverson's classic saying
I'm a mfarfromahater. You got talent, ILO Veyou. I'm not a person who hates jealousy at all. I love you if you have talent.
Iplayeverygameasifiti * * y.
Nomatterwhat,justdonotgiveup.Alway *** elievethatyourdreamcarue& Justkeepworkingforwhatyouwanttoachieve, don't give up anyway.
always believe that your dream can be realized and work hard for it.
Idonotknowwhatapurepointguardis,Ijustplaythegame& I don't know what a point guard is like. I only know that I have to try my best to win, even if I have to be "selfish"
Theycannotbrokeme. Theonlyway tobreakmeistokill me, andeverythingthatdoesnotkill memeke * * * eStronger They can't beat me unless they kill me, and anything that can't kill me will only make me stronger!
Idonottorespectandfearanyone! I don't have to respect and fear anyone! Whocanstopmei *** e! Only I can stop myself!
ialwaysthinkicouldmiss 2 shotsandbelivethe21 stisgoining, ijustkeepfighting. I always feel that I will miss the first 2 shots, and I believe that the 21st goal will definitely be scored! I just keep fighting.
I'm' velearnedtoplaywherei' mstruggling, Ithink that' Swhatbeingprofessional and Growingupisallabout. Yourealizeyou' renotgoing toplaywellevernight. Youkeepfightingandsomethinggoodwillhapen. In the process of struggle, I learned how to play.
I think that's what being a professional player is all about.
You understand that you can't play well every night, but if you keep fighting, something good will come.
It'sallaboutalway *** elieving,I'veseenthebadsideoflifeandIsurvived.Now,Iplantoenjoythegoodside.AndIdon'tplantolookback.Mypasthastaughtmealot, andI'mnotashamedofit, ittaughtmehowquicklythingscanbetakenawayfromyou.Ittaughtmehowportantitistobelieveinyourselfevenifothersturntheirbackonyou.Itwasn'teasywakingupinacell.B Utit would've been' vebeeneasiertoquit. Iddn 'tdothe. IfoughtThroughehardtimes' That's all about faith. I survived the dark side of my life, and I'm going to enjoy the bright side! I'm not looking back! My past has taught me a lot, and I'm not ashamed of it. It made me understand that things around me can be lost in a blink of an eye. It told me how important it is to always believe in myself no matter what others think. It's not easy to wake up from the old world, but it's much easier to quit. I didn't quit. I struggled through the most difficult period!
(Iverson tattoo)
IamwhatIam. I am who I am.
(Reebok propaganda)
I'm not a great man, morally innocent and well-dressed. I'm not an obedient son, a dutiful father, a kind husband, an easy-going friend, and even I'm not a good person at all.
Marijuana, guns, violence, and strikes are all related to my name. Many people say that I am deviant ... However, no one can deny that I am a great player, even God.
I don't want to be Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, Bird or isaiah thomas.
I just want to look in the mirror after my career and say to myself with a clear conscience that I am still the same allen iverson.
I don't know the definition of a real point guard. I just want to do everything that can bring us victory, even if others say I am selfish.
play with your heart.
you did what everyone asked you to do.
whether you win or lose, you should be proud of yourself.
Life is life, and you will encounter many things.
I used to frown and want to change everything, but now I prefer to smile or make a lot of jokes.
you may know the taste of life.
this is my life, and no one should expect me to live.
one thing, and that is eternal support.
-his answer when a friend asks him what he needs to do for him.
Without friends, there would be no Iverson.
my idol is my mother.
I want to carve two words' misunderstanding' on my tombstone.
I live in my own way and play ball in my own way.
I swear that I have never been tired. Since I joined the League, my teammates around me have said that I am' different'.
Maybe one day I will stop to rest, and that day is the moment when my life ends.
Maybe one day I will stop to rest and lie under my tombstone with a gorgeous elegy, which will become a monument in the hearts of basketball fans all over the world.
If you accidentally passed by last night, you might see a farewell party being held.
there is a gorgeous elegy playing.
If possible, at my funeral, please make a requiem with your cheers on the field.
this is the most beautiful music in the world.
ai: I love you because you love me.
Reporter: You always show a stronger desire for victory than others. What does victory mean to you? Ai: Everything is as important as life.
I don't know. As long as I am on the court, I will enter a state of fighting.
I hope I can win every game. All I want to do is win.
What I want to tell you is that my mother and my friends are very simple people, and they won't do anything to hurt others.
Seeking the classic words (classic quotations) Iverson said
Iverson's classic quotations:
I'm mfarfromahater. you got talent, Ilo Veyou. (Interview with Hip-HopMusicAwards on August 22, 2)
I'm not a person who hates jealousy at all. You are talented. I love you.
whocanstopmei * * e.
Only I can stop myself
iplayeverygamelikiti * * y last
I regard every game as my last
No matter what, just donotgiveup. always * * Elievethattyourdre. Justkeepworkingforwhatyouwanttoachieve
don't give up anyway.
always believe that your dream can be realized and work hard for it.
Idonotknowwhatapurepointguardis,Ijustplaythegame& I don't know what a point guard is like, but I only know that I have to be "selfish" if I have to try my best to win.
they can't beat me unless they kill me, and anything that can't kill me will only make me stronger!
I don't have to respect and fear anyone!
ialwaysthinkicouldmiss 2 shotsandbelivethe21 stisgoining, ijustkeepfighting
I always feel that I will miss the first 2 shots, and I believe that the 21st goal will definitely be scored! I just keep fighting.
I'm' velvet toplaywheni' mstruggling, Ithink that' swhatbeingprofessional and growing upisallabout. yourealizeyou' renotgoing toplaywellevernight. youkeepfightingandsomethinggoodwillhapen.
struggling. In the process, I learned how to play ball. I think that's what being a professional player is all about. You understand that you can't play well every night, but if you keep fighting, something good will come.
It's sallaboutalway * * * Elieving, I've seen the badsideofliff.