4. The people are the most valuable, the country is second, and the king is the least.
5. The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people.
6. If you are poor, you can live alone. It will benefit the world at the same time
7. When you are born, do things with etiquette; after death, bury with etiquette and sacrifice with etiquette, which can be called filial piety
8. Never tire of learning and be wise; teach if you are not tired of it. Being tired means benevolence. Being benevolent and wise, the Master is a sage
9. When I am old, I am like the old of others; when I am young, I am like the young of others. The world can be carried in the palm of my hand
10. Life is what I want, and righteousness is also what I want; you cannot have both, and you have to sacrifice your life for righteousness
11. The weather is not as good as the right place, and the right place is not as good as the people
12. One day is violent, ten days are cold, and no one can survive
13. A leaf blinds the eyes, and Mount Tai cannot be seen
14. Taking fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps< /p>
15. Fish is what I want; bear’s paws are also what I want. You cannot have both, and you would give up fish and take bear’s paws. Life is what I want, and righteousness is also what I want. You cannot have both, and you are willing to give up life for righteousness
16. Without rules, there is no way to make a circle
17. Those who have attained the right will get many help, but those who have lost the right will have little help.
18. Father and son have relatives, monarch and ministers have friendship, husband and wife should be separated, elders and children are in order, and friends have trust
< p>19. I respect the teachings of Xiangxu and apply the meaning of filial piety and brotherhood. Those who are awarded white will live up to the road!20. A gentleman has three kinds of happiness, but the king of the world does not follow them. Having both parents and brothers without any reason is one joy; looking up to Heaven and not being ashamed of others is two joys; being able to educate the talented people from all over the world is three joys.
A gentleman has three pleasures, but the king of the world will not live with them
21. The old and the old are as old as the people; the young and the young are as young as the people
22. Power, and then you know the importance; Once you know each other, you will know the right and wrong
23. The most important thing for people to know each other is to know each other. p>25. He who loses the world loses his people; he who loses his people loses his heart
26. The foundation of the world, the foundation of a country is at home, and the foundation of a family is in the body
27. I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring spirit
28. Only being filial to my parents can relieve my worries
29. The most important thing to be a filial son is to respect your relatives
30. Cultivate the heart Don’t be good at having few desires
Comments on Tiangong Classroom Teaching 1
On March 23rd, 2022, at 15:40, the second class of Tiangong Classroom officially started. "Space teache