Appreciating something means being grateful for it. When you are grateful, you begin to receive all kinds of blessings and beautiful things in life.
To be grateful for something is to be grateful for it. Only by learning to be grateful can you begin to accept all kinds of gifts and beautiful things that life has given you.
Expressing gratitude is the key to every positive thing in life. This is the key to a successful relationship; This is the key to career success; This is the key to a healthier and happier life. One of my favorite quotes by Michael Angel is, "If you learn to appreciate more what you already have in, you will find that you have more to appreciate." Think about it!
Gratitude is the key to create a positive life, a necessary means to maintain good interpersonal relationships, an important factor for our career success, and a prerequisite for our healthy and happy life. I especially like Michael Angel's famous saying: "If you can be more grateful for what you have, you will find that life will give you more." Please feel this sentence carefully!
Simple words like "Thank you for coming into my life" or "I appreciate having you with me today" will be of great help. This will make others feel good, and it will make you feel better!
Even if it is as simple as "Thank you for being with me all my life" or "I am so lucky to have you with me today", it can also have a good effect. These warm words can not only make others feel comfortable, but also make you feel happy.
One of the exercises couples experience in marriage counseling is to write down all the reasons why they are grateful to each other. This is very powerful for strengthening relationships, because it makes them feel grateful for the quality of life brought by another person.
Many couples are asked to write down why they want to thank each other during marriage counseling. This move has a good effect on deepening the relationship between husband and wife, because it makes them begin to appreciate the contribution made by the other half to their lives.