When Liu Taoyuan took the oath, he swore that "I do not want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but I only want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day." From then on, the three people lived, died, and had sex, and their brotherhood was enviable. Zhang Fei robbed Liu Bei's wife because of drinking. Zhang Fei wanted to commit suicide and apologized. Liu Bei cried and said: "Brothers are like brothers and sisters, and women are like clothes. If clothes are torn, you can sew them, but brothers and sisters cannot."
After the fall of Jingzhou, Guan Yu died at the hands of the famous Wu Dongmeng Lu. Soon after, Liu Bei became emperor. At this time, Liu Bei did not forget the vow he had made, but just to recharge his batteries, he planned to endure it for the time being and avenge his second brother Guan Yu later. But the grumpy Zhang Fei shouted all day long to avenge his second brother, which made Liu Bei very sad. In the end, despite the opposition of Manchu civil and military officials, he expedition to Wudong.
In World War I, Liu Bei took away almost all the elite men of Shu Han, but Prime Minister Zhuge Liang did not go with the army because he wanted to stay at the base camp. Compared to everyone, what happened next was clear. Liu Bei was defeated by Lu Xun, the governor of Wu Dong. This time he failed miserably. He was almost completely wiped out. Under the desperate protection of his subordinates, Liu Bei fled to Baidi City.
After Liu Bei's death, the late Emperor Liu Chan was only a teenager and did not know how to deal with national affairs. All the burden fell on Zhuge Liang. Zhuge Liang was forty-three years old at this time. Although he was a little overwhelmed, he had to carry it until death because the Shu Han people were short of talents and could not find anyone worthy of the important task. As he wrote in his previous post: "Since I was appointed, I have been worried all night, afraid that trust will not work, so that it will hurt the wisdom of the previous emperor."
In Zhuge Liang Under the rule of Shu Han, the strength of Shu Han gradually recovered, but Cao Wei did not stop the pace of development. In order to unify the Central Plains, Zhuge Liang launched five wars against Cao Wei in just over six years, but the results were unsatisfactory and even failed. In the 12th year of Jianxing, Zhuge Liang led his troops to Wuzhangyuan. This was his last military action.
However, his opponent Sima Yi was too cunning. No matter how Zhuge Liang called for formation, Sima Yi remained indifferent and always adopted the strategy of holding on. Because he was under too much pressure and couldn't eat well or sleep well, Zhuge Liang became ill from overwork. Although Zhuge Liang was not afraid of death, he had not fulfilled the First Emperor's last wish to help the Han Dynasty, and he did not want to die like this, otherwise he would not have the face to face the dead Liu Bei.
In order to live a few more years, Zhuge Liang decided to fight God for the last time, knowing that "it was hard to violate God's will." According to Taoism, he set up a seven-star lamp array. While he was casting the spell, Wei Yan came in to report on his work and accidentally kicked over one of the lamps. Zhuge Liang immediately vomited blood and the seven-star lamp failed.
But he did not blame Wei Yan, but shouted eight words to the sky: "Heaven will kill me, Zhuge Kongming." It can be said that every word was heartbreaking, expressing Zhuge Liang's unwillingness but helplessness. Feeling. Some people say that the reason why God wants to accept Zhuge Liang can be perfectly explained by a sentence from Lao Tzu: "Heaven and earth are unkind, and all creatures are humble dogs." Zhuge Liang used fire attack tactics many times in his life and burned many enemy troops to death, but sooner or later If you want to pay back, it is God's will that you can't extend your life.