King Wuling of Zhao went to Zhongshan North House, and he came to take his place. North to the infinite, west to the river, climbing above the yellow flowers, seeking to ride and shoot with Feiyi, in order to teach the people, Japan: "fools laugh, saints view." Although you laugh at me, I will have it in Zhongshan, Alakazam. "Then khufu.
People in China are unhappy. Gong Zicheng said that the disease does not go to the DPRK. On the day of the invitation of the king's envoy: "The family listens to the relatives, and the country listens to the king. Today, I taught you to change clothes, but my uncle refused. I'm afraid the whole world has discussed it. Make the country normal and benefit the people; In politics, there are classics, so that behavior.
Mingde speaks meanness first, and believes in your politics first. Therefore, I want to admire my uncle and uncle's benevolence and righteousness, so as to contribute to Khufu. "Gongzi Cheng paid tribute to Kokotori again:" I heard that China, what the sages taught me, what rituals and music I used, everything I saw from a distance was effective. Today, Wang Yao attacked clothes, changed the ancient road and rebelled against people's hearts. I hope the king can do whatever he wants. "The messenger returned the favor.
On the same day, the inviter said, "There are Qi and Zhongshan in the east, Yan and Donghu in the north, Loufan, Qin and Han in the west. If you're not ready to ride and shoot today, why keep it? At the beginning, Zhongshan was the Qiang Bing of Qi State. It invaded and violently occupied our land, tired our people, and drew water from the surrounding areas. It was the God of Micro-countries. Then the Ministry failed to keep it, and you were ugly first.
So, I changed my clothes to ride and shoot, hoping to prepare for the difficulties around me and repay Zhongshan's resentment, while my uncle followed the custom of China and changed his clothes to forget the ugliness of being cold at the top, which was not what I expected. "Childe into submission. It's khufu. Take it to face it tomorrow. Then he started khufu and recruited cavalry and archers.
Zhao Wuling Wang visited the Zhongshan border in the north. To the government (now Lincheng, Hebei Province), to the generation (now Yanmenguan-belt in the north of Shanxi Province), to Wuji in the north, to the Yellow River in the west, to climb Mount Huangpi, to discuss with Minister Fei Yi, to change into Hu Fu, ride horses and shoot arrows, so as to teach the army and the people.
He added, "What fools laugh at is discovered by sages. Although everyone in the world laughs at me, I will take the North Zhongshan State. "
So King Wuling of Zhao put on Hu Fu. People in Zhao Ducheng were unhappy, and his son said that he was ill and would not go to court. Zhao Yong sent someone to invite him and sent a message saying, "Listen to your parents at home and listen to the monarch all over the country. Now I've changed my traditional education and put on Hu clothes, but you don't.
I am worried about the following subjects! The way of governing the country is based on benefiting the people, and government decrees have fixed implementation principles. What is important is prohibition. Universal education begins with the common people, and the top leaders take the lead in implementing government decrees. Therefore, it is necessary to rely on your reputation to complete the transformation of Khufu. "
Gongzi Cheng kowtowed respectfully and said, "I've heard for a long time that the Central Plains is a place where sages are taught, where they salute for fun, where they are admired by distant countries, and where ethnic minorities in the frontier study. Now the king of Zhao has abandoned these traditional customs, but followed Khufu, which is against people's hearts. I hope you will consider this matter carefully.
The messenger went back and reported what the prince of Zhao had said. Prince Zhao personally visited the son Cheng Chu and said, "China has Qi and Zhongshan countries in the east, Yan and Donghu countries in the north and Loufan countries in the west, bordering on Qin and South Korea.
How to guard without cavalry? China is small, but relying on the strength of Qi, it has repeatedly occupied Zhao land, captured Zhao people, and diverted water around Gao (Hao) land. If there is no land to protect God, it will be difficult to keep it. Your late master was ashamed of it!
So I changed my clothes to prevent accidents and reported to the country of Zhongshan, but you refused to change your clothes and forgot the shame of this department. This is not what I expected. "
Gong Zicheng was persuaded by Zhao Yong. So I sent a set of Hu clothes to Gongzi Cheng, and Gongzi Cheng went to court in Hu clothes the next day. Therefore, Zhao Xiang issued an order to recruit people to learn riding and shooting.
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The meaning of work:
Zhao Wuling and Wang Hufu's riding and shooting have many historical and cultural significance. It opened an important page in the history of ancient war in China, from car fighting to "riding and shooting"; It embodies the communication and integration between ancient nationalities;
At the same time, it is also a reform of ancient ideology and culture. Wang Wuling of Zhao is brave in change, adheres to the spirit of change and is good at the wisdom of change, which is especially worthy of recognition and learning in modern society.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Zhao Wuling Wang Hufu Riding and Shooting