Some people say, "The nobler the virtue, the lower the posture." Indeed, we find that the more people with high status and good moral character, the more modest and prudent they are, and keeping a low profile is their best attitude towards others.
"Caigen Tan" said: "Therefore, a gentleman must be smart, not bravado, in order to shoulder the weight of a big country." No matter how clever a person is, he should be like an ear of rice, knowing how to lower his head and converge. This can not only save yourself, but also accumulate strength in the dark and finally move towards the height of life.
However, if a person is too arrogant, goes his own way and exaggerates, it will easily arouse people's jealousy and lead to a bad end.
People who are really smart know that keeping a low profile is a strategy, but also a kind of wisdom.
Lv Kun, a famous scholar in the Ming Dynasty, said in "Groans": "Just recognize your own affairs, take responsibility and go forward bravely." A person should not only have the ability to distinguish right from wrong, but also have firm belief and courage to go forward.
There is another sentence in "Groans": "This heart is knowledgeable and has strong opinions. Although broken, don't allow others. " Each of us has our own standards and unchangeable views in our hearts. In the process of doing things, we should be brave enough to express our ideas and stick to them.
High-profile work can not only make your voice heard by more people, but also show your knowledge and skills and gain everyone's recognition. On the contrary, if a person is always silent and timid in everything, even if you have great talent, it is hard to be seen and eventually disappear from everyone.
Smart people understand that high-profile work is a demonstration of their ability and an attitude to do things.