Wei Zheng's famous sayings are as follows:
1. If the source is not deep, look for the far reaches of the stream; if the roots are not strong, look for the growth of the tree; if the virtue is not strong, but you think about the security of the country, even if you are a subordinate If you are stupid and know it is impossible, how much worse is it than being wise?
2. If a ruler wishes to hear his own faults, his country will be imprisoned; if he wishes others to obey him, his country will suffer.
3. The resentment is not big, but the fear of others will capsize the boat, so it is advisable to be cautious.
4. The king is the king of the world. If there is any loss, the ancients thought that the sun and moon eclipse, and everyone will see it.
5. If you are sincere, Wu and Yue will become one; if you are arrogant, your flesh and blood will be your path.
6. A ruler should be a man of great importance and live in a large territory. He should not be wary of danger in times of peace, abstain from extravagance and be frugal. He should also cut down the roots in order to grow trees and block the source in order to have a long flow of water.
7. Those who are good at the beginning will become more successful, and those who are more successful at the end will be less successful.
8. If you think of high danger, you will think of humility and self-herding; if you fear fullness, you will think of rivers and seas.
9. If you are sincere and can see what you want, then you will think and know enough to restrain yourself; if you are about to do something, then think and know to calm others; if you think of high danger, then think of humility and rush to self-shepherd; if you are afraid of overflowing, then think of Rivers and seas descend to hundreds of rivers; when you are happy to travel, think about the three drives to save it; when you are worried about laziness, you think about starting carefully and respecting the end; when you are worried about obstruction, you think about being modest and accepting; when you want to slander evil, you think about rectifying yourself and dethroning evil; when you are kind, you think about it. If you add it, you will think that you will be rewarded without joy; if you are punished, you will be punished without anger.
10. It is easy to teach after chaos, just as it is easy for hungry people to eat.