1. Educate your children in a good way
Zhouxu, the son of Duke Wei Zhuang, was doted on by his father since childhood and liked to fight, but Duke Wei Zhuang never stopped him. Regarding this approach, the doctor Shi Jian advised: "I heard that if you love and care for your children, you should teach them the right way to be a human being, and you should not allow them to have improper demands and behaviors. If your children are arrogant, extravagant, dissolute, and hedonistic, If they have any problems, they will naturally go down the wrong path. The reason why many children have these four problems is entirely the result of their parents' pampering and pampering. "
2. Zeng Zi Killed Pigs
This is a well-known family education story. Zengzi’s wife was going to the street, and her youngest son was crying and wanted to go. She coaxed him and said, "Go back and wait. I will come back and kill the pig for you to eat." Meat." As soon as the wife came back from the street, she saw Zeng Zi really wanted to kill the pig. She hurriedly stopped her and said, "I was just playing with the child to coax him." Zeng Zi said, "You can't do it with children. It’s a joke. Children are young and ignorant, and they will imitate their parents in everything. If you deceive them today, you are teaching them to imitate you. This is not a good way to educate children.” So Zengzi killed the pig and cooked it! Meat for children.
3. Teach when you encounter things
Taizong of the Tang Dynasty paid great attention to the education of Prince Li Zhi. Grab whatever you encounter wherever you go and educate accordingly. When the prince was eating, he said to the prince: "If you could only know how hard it is to produce food, you would always have food like this." When he saw the prince riding a horse, he said to him: "If you could only know that horses should work hard and have rest." , and does not exhaust its strength, then it will always be able to ride." When he saw the prince riding in the boat, he said to him: "The water can float the boat, and it can also overturn the boat. The people are like the river. Like a boat."
4. Shang Zhongyong
Once upon a time there was a child named Fang Zhongyong. He would compose impromptu poems when he was still illiterate, and his literary style and meaning were very exquisite. The locals He was very surprised and called him a "child prodigy", and then treated his father as a guest, and some even gave them money. His father thought this was profitable, so he took Fang Zhongyong around to meet famous people every day, perform performances and compose poems, but did not allow him to study hard.
Gradually, by the age of 12, Fang Zhongyong’s intelligence was not as good as before, and his poems were also very ordinary. At the age of 20, his intelligence had completely disappeared and he became just like an ordinary person. This story tells us a truth: Fang Zhongyong's intelligence was given by God. However, he eventually became an ordinary person because his father was greedy for money and failed to allow him to receive training and education in time, missing the best educational period. , and eventually became mediocre.
5. Three Moves of Meng’s Mother
Once upon a time when Mencius was a child, his father died early, and his mother did not remarry. At first, they lived next to the cemetery. Mencius often played funeral games with his neighbor's children, imitating adults' kneeling and crying. Mencius's mother saw it and frowned: "No! I can't let my children live here!" Mencius's mother took Mencius to the market to live near the place where pigs and sheep were killed. When he arrived at the market, Mencius and the neighbor's children learned how merchants did business and butchered pigs and sheep.
Mencius’s mother found out and frowned again: “This place is not suitable for my children to live either!” So ??they moved again. This time, they moved near the school. At this time of every month on the first day of the lunar calendar, officials went to the Confucian Temple, bowed and knelt down, and treated each other politely. Mencius learned to remember everything he saw. Mencius's mother nodded with satisfaction and said, "This is where my son should live!"