Selection of the most romantic words in French:
1. I love you and Not because of who you are, but because I love how I feel when I'm with you.
2. I love you because you have found the mysterious key to my heart.
3. I love you because I feel happy when I am around you.
4. I love you because you found me in this vast sea of ??people.
5. I love you because we understand each other even if we don’t say a word.
6. I love you because even though you are by my side, I miss you.
7. I love you because you know me better than I do.
8. I love you because when I close my eyes, I see you.
9. I love you because I can’t help but love you.
10. I love you because I don’t know how to quit you.
A collection of the most romantic words in French:
1. et’aimeparcequetumeserredanstesbrasquandj’enaibesoin. I love you because you held me tight when I needed a hug.
2. Jet'aime parcequetum'adit:Jesuislà;Net'inquiètepas;Nepleurepas;Jecomprends;Jet'attends;Bonnenuit;Tumemanques. I love you because you said to me: I am; don't be afraid; Don't cry; I understand; I'm waiting for you; Good night; I miss you.
3. Jet’aimeparcequetuesunique. I love you because you are unique.
4. Jet’aime parcequetumefairecroirequ’onserauncouplejusqu’àlafindenotreexistance. I love you because you make me believe that we can grow old together.
5. Jet’aimeparcequetunemeferasjamaispleurer. I love you because you will never make me cry.
6. Jet’aime parcequetumeprotégeras,quoiqu’ilarrive. I love you because you will protect me no matter what.
7. C'estladouleurquifaitécrire.Lesgensheureuxn'ontpasd'histoires.Ilssetaisentetsecontententd'aimer.Only pain can make people have the desire to write. Happy people have no stories. They were silent and in love.
8. Love means you don’t have to say sorry.
9. L'hommeveutêtrelepremieramourdelafemme,alorsquelafemmeveutêtreledernieramourdel'homme. Men always want to be a woman's first lover, and women often want to be a man's last lover.
10. Monavenir? Maisl'avenird'unefemmecommesonprésent,c'estd'aimeretd'êtreaimée. You ask about my future? But a woman's future is just like her present, which means loving and being loved.
11. Onatousquelqu'unquinousmanque,àquelquesmètresouàdeskilomètres. There is always someone you miss, either close at hand or far away.
12. Letemps,quifortifielesamities,affaiblitl'amour. Time strengthens friendship and weakens love.
13. Dèsquevouscessezdevouloirquelquechose,vousl'obtenez. When you no longer desire something, you can get it.
14. Lesqualitésqu'unejeunefillerecherchechezungar?on:grand,doux,aimant,patient,dr?le,intelligent...The advantages that girls hope for in young men: burly, gentle, caring, patient, funny, Wisdom...
15. Nile temps passéniles amours nereviennent. Whether it is time or love, once it has passed, there will be no looking back.
16. Ladistancepeutcertestuerunamourmaisellepeutaussilerenforcer. Distance can destroy love, but it can also make her stronger.
17. Lecontraire del'Amourcen'estpaslahaine, C'estl'indifférence. The antonym of love is not hate, It's indifference.
18. Single people are often those who take love too seriously.
19. Siunmecfaitcommes'ils'enfoutdetoi,c'estqu'ils'enfoutdetoi! If a man acts like he doesn't care about you at all, it's because he really doesn't care about you!
20. Unehistoirebriséeestunehistoirebrisée,mêmelesmorceauxrecollés,lesfissuressonttoujourslà. When a relationship breaks, it breaks. Even if the pieces are glued together, the cracks will always be there.
21. -S'ilt'aimeilreviendra.-Bennon,s'ilm'aimeilnepartpas."If he loves you, he will come back." "Wrong, if he loves me, he will not leave."
22. If a person really wants to see you, he will use all kinds of methods to find you all over the world.
23. Onditquequandonaimequelq'un,onveutlevoirheureux,peuimporteavecquiilest. When we love someone deeply, we just want him to be happy, no matter who is around him.
24. Parfois, lapersonnequetuveuxleplusestlapersonnequetueslemieuxsans. Sometimes, you will live better without the person you want most.
25. Tusaiscequiadeplusdouloureuxdansunchagrind'amour? C'estdepaspouvoirserappelercequ'onressentaitavant. Do you know what is the most painful thing in love? It is that you can no longer recall the feeling when you were in love.
26. Love is best only at the beginning. So we always start over again, trying to find happiness from it.