Sakyamuni once said that no matter who you meet, they are the people who should appear in your life. It takes a moment to reach out, but it takes many years to hold hands. No matter who you meet, they are the people who should appear in your life, and it is no accident. Meeting is a fate given by God, parting is a sign that the fate of each other has ended. Staying together means being destined to be together, missing each other means owed each other in the past life.
No matter who you meet, it means that they are the people who should appear in your life
You only have one life, you only live this life, there is no next life to come back, and there is no drama in three lives. . Just work hard and don't be too pushy. Those who should stay will stay for you, and those who should leave will find excuses to leave. Life in a hurry is not a helpless life. You think the days are long, but what awaits you is the cold tea.
Time is a problem, distance is a problem, and in the end, even a little trivial matter will form a ravine between two people. True maturity is not measured by age, but by the temperature in your heart. Once you see people's hearts clearly, you will still be enthusiastic about this society. When you see through the feelings, you still love the world deeply.
Destiny comes together and separates, comes together and separates. Everyone you meet in life is destined. Not everyone can meet each other, it takes good luck. Not everyone can be with you, it depends on whether you have any debts in your previous life. If we owe each other, we will meet each other. If we are not destined, we can only be separated. There is a kind of habit called taking the initiative, and there is a kind of goodbye called forever. Destiny comes and goes according to God's will. All we can do is cherish and treat everyone well, because life only lasts for this lifetime.