Have your heart set on something: Diligence
People have no will but no determination. Wang Yangming said: "Live a life worthy of a man." To put it cliché, it means that people should have pursuits. People have the nature to pursue self-improvement and have an ideal personality that they yearn for.
If you just stay in your heart and yearn for it occasionally, but don't work hard to cultivate your self-cultivation, self-improvement can only be a castle in the air.
In his youth, Zeng Guofan had only average intelligence. He thought he was impetuous, had a hot temper, and was hypocritical and dishonest, so he determined to hold himself to the standards of a saint, be vigilant at all times, and make progress every day.
Since then, Zeng Guofan has pursued self-denial and mind cultivation, single-mindedness and steadiness throughout his life. For example, when reading a book, you will never read the second one until you have finished it, and you will never move on to the next chapter before you understand one chapter. The most important thing in studies is perseverance. Don't be greedy for more. As long as you persist, you will achieve something.
Zeng Guofan is another person who constantly reflects on himself. I sit quietly for a moment every day to reflect on what I did during the day, record what I did poorly, and then revise it into a book to constantly remind myself how to behave.
In his letters to his family, amidst the trivial family disputes, Zeng Guofan never forgets to warn his family members on how to seek the right path, correct their deeds, and establish righteousness. Even in the military camp, facing the uncertainty of life and death every day, he still did not forget his studies and lessons.
The heart has stopped: awe
The ancients said: "If you are afraid, you will not dare to do anything and achieve virtue; if you are fearless, you will do what you want and end up with disaster." Once a person does not have awe, If you have a strong heart, you will often become unscrupulous and do whatever you want. You can say whatever you want and do whatever you want. You can even hold an umbrella like a monk and be lawless! In the end, it harms others as well as yourself.
Zeng Guofan said: "Fear is the foundation of self-cultivation. If you are afraid beforehand, you will be afraid, and fear can avoid disaster. If you are afraid afterward, you will regret, and regret can change your mistakes. A man who knows will eliminate regret with fear, A fool is fearless and knows no regrets. Therefore, a wise man protects himself, but a fool kills himself. This is what is called fear! ”
Only when you know how to be fearful can you be cautious and try your best to do things well; Only when you regret it afterwards will you reflect on your mistakes and work hard to improve yourself. If you know how to be respectful, you will be less humiliated and avoid disasters, you can protect yourself by retreating, and you can accomplish things by advancing.
Awe is the great wisdom of life. It is not only an attitude towards life, but also a code of conduct. Zeng Guofan said that he had "three fears" in his life: fear of destiny, fear of people's words, and fear of king and father.
He always had a heart of awe throughout his life, adhered to the basic principles of being an official, kept a clear head, kept his principles unshakable, and did not loosen his bottom line. He spent his time in a state of fear and walking on thin ice. In the end, he rose to great success all the way, achieved great success, and achieved himself.