In the third year of Xiande, Cao Bin was appointed as Tongguan Military Supervisor and transferred to the West Gate. After five years of showing virtue, he went to wuyue, completed his task, and returned to the court. He met in private and didn't accept any gifts from others. People from wuyue chased him by boat and gave him gifts. King Cao refused after three or four times. Later (Cao Bin) said: "I refused to accept them, and I pursued a false name." So I accepted it, registered it, brought it back, and gave it all to the court. After Zhou Shizong insisted on giving gifts to Cao Bin, Cao thanked and accepted the gifts, and gave them to relatives and friends, leaving nothing for himself. One day, Cao Bin thought that all the soldiers and horses in Jinzhou were in prison. He and his guests' entourage were sitting in the countryside on the outskirts, and a messenger on horseback happened to be on the road nearby. The messenger had never seen Cao Bin, and asked others privately, "Who is Cao Jianjun?" Someone pointed to Cao Bing and told him that the messenger thought he was fooling himself. He smiled and said, "What about the royalty who are wearing thick black silk robes and sitting in unpretentious chairs?" I didn't believe it was Cao Bin until I observed it carefully.
In the winter of the second year of Gander's reign, he attacked Shu, appointed Liu Guangyi as the former army of Guizhou Hangying to be redeployed, and appointed Cao Bin as the army supervisor of Guizhou Hangying. All the counties in the Shu Isthmus were captured, and all the soldiers wanted to kill all the people in the city to demonstrate, but Cao Bin ordered his men to stop them, and they were completely convinced wherever they went. When Song Taizu and Zhao Kuangyin heard about it, they wrote a letter praising Cao Bin. After the land of Sichuan and Sichuan was breached, Quan Bin and others sat around and feasted day and night. They didn't understand the soldiers and their subordinates fought for the people, and the people in Sichuan and Sichuan suffered greatly. Cao Bin repeatedly asked the army to go back and detain him, but Quan Bin didn't listen. Before long, the whole division made an insurrection and led hundreds of soldiers. Cao Bin and Liu Guangyi defeated the enemy again in Xinfan, and finally put down the Sichuan-Sichuan Uprising. At that time, your generals plundered slaves, women, money and other valuables, and Cao Bin only had books and clothes in his bag. After Li arrived, he learned all about the situation and handed Quan Bin over to the relevant officials (disposal). Cao Bin was believed to be honest and upright, and was awarded the mission of Xuanhui South Hospital and the mission of our Yicheng Army. When Cao Bin went to the imperial court to see the emperor, he declined politely: "All the soldiers and men were convicted in this crusade against Shu, and only I was rewarded. I am afraid it will not inspire the whole army. " Song Taizu said, "You have made great contributions, but you don't brag about your contributions. If you have a small mistake, won't Ren Shan and others say anything? " ? Punishment and persuasion are the normal state of the country, and there is no need to give in. "
Cao Bin is very kind and humble. He never goes against the emperor's will in court, nor does he say other people's faults. Attack Shu and southern Tang, not for yourself. The position is the same, and you don't need rank majesty to highlight your differences. When you meet a scholar-bureaucrat on the road, you must drive to make way for him. An unknown small official always reports things, so he must dress up before receiving them. During his tenure, he served the clan and had no remaining savings.
2. Xu Zhi looked at the answer informally. Read the following and complete the question17-21. (17 points) Xu Zhichuan Xu Zhi, word sequence. He is also from Nanchang, Zhang Yu. His family is poor and often grows his own crops, but he can't afford to eat them. He is diligent and generous, and lives in virtue. He has established the government many times, but he can't afford it. In the second year of Yan Xi, Shang Shuling, Chen Fan, servant Hu Guang and others recommended young people, saying, "I heard that there are good people, who have the discipline of heaven and earth and political principles." As the poem says, many literati who think of the emperor were born in this kingdom. It's a handsome day. It's your majesty's pawn shop. This is the glory of the sun and the moon. "Huan emperor to xuan grain (2) as a gift, not to. This childish smell was set by Qiu, and he was buried. He went to Jiangxia on foot with food, set up a chicken wine sacrifice, and left in tears without saying his name. When he heard about it, he suspected that he was naive, but he chose to be able. And there was a mother's worry, so he left a bundle of straw in front of Lu's house. All strange people don't know why Zong Lin said, "This must be Xu Ruzi, a senior scholar in Zhou Nan. "Poetry has nothing to say", I don't deserve it. "At the beginning of the spirit emperor, he wanted to hire a bundle of straw in Pulen, and he was willing to die at the age of seventy-two. He is like jade: give him a handful of grass and boast that he has the same moral character as jade. ③ Pulling wheels: Pulling wheels 17. Write the meanings of the following words in ten days. (4 points) (1) Go to Zexian (2) Recommend childhood. (3) I choose to talk and be hairy. (4) I have no virtue worth having. I don't know why. B. I stopped crying and went to C. Emperor Huan was a child who was going to give gifts, but he went to Jiangxia on foot. D dozens of people, including Guo, a celebrity from all directions, will die at that time, at the age of 72. 19. Translate the following sentences into modern Chinese. (6 points) (1) After that, I will give a good example. My family paid homage to the Taiyuan satrap. Please answer with the sentences in the text. (2 points) 2 1. Contact the text and briefly analyze Xu Zhi.
3. Cao Bin translated the second and third events. Bin was born with the word Guohua, and he is a real longevity person.
King Cao is simple and honest. During the Ganyou period of the later Han Dynasty, he served as the tooth general of Cheng Dejun.
Seeing his honesty, Wu Shuai Xingde pointed to him and said to the people around him, "This man E68A 847A 686964616F3133431376636 is far-sighted." Guifei Zhang is Cao Bin's stepmother (aunt or aunt).
Pu Shuai and Wang treated Cao Bin with courtesy, because Cao Bin was a relative of the emperor. Zhou Zu acceded to the throne and called Cao Bin back to Beijing.
Cao Bin became more respectful and polite. When the government gave a banquet, Cao Bin sat still all day, else. Wang said to his entourage, "I thought I would never be lazy day and night." It was not until I saw the strictness of Cao Jianjun that I found myself sloppy. "
In the third year of Xiande, Cao Bin was appointed as Tongguan Military Supervisor and transferred to the West Gate. Show virtue for five years, go to wuyue, and return to the court after the task is completed.
He met in private and didn't accept any gifts from others. People from wuyue chased him by boat and gave him gifts. King Cao refused after three or four times.
Later (Cao Bin) said: "I refused to accept them, and I pursued a false name." So I accepted it, registered it, brought it back, and gave it all to the court.
After Zhou Shizong insisted on giving gifts to Cao Bin, Cao thanked and accepted the gifts, and gave them to relatives and friends, leaving nothing for himself. One day, Cao Bin thought that all the soldiers and horses in Jinzhou were in prison. He and his guests' entourage were sitting in the countryside on the outskirts, and a messenger on horseback happened to be on the road nearby. The messenger had never seen Cao Bin, and asked others privately, "Who is Cao Jianjun?" Someone pointed to Cao Bing and told him that the messenger thought he was fooling himself. He smiled and said, "What about the royalty who are wearing thick black silk robes and sitting in unpretentious chairs?" I didn't believe it was Cao Bin until I observed it carefully.
In the winter of the second year of Gander's reign, he attacked Shu, appointed Liu Guangyi as the former army of Guizhou Hangying to be redeployed, and appointed Cao Bin as the army supervisor of Guizhou Hangying. All the counties in the Shu Isthmus were captured, and all the soldiers wanted to kill all the people in the city to demonstrate, but Cao Bin ordered his men to stop them, and they were completely convinced wherever they went.
When Song Taizu and Zhao Kuangyin heard about it, they wrote a letter praising Cao Bin. After the land of Sichuan and Sichuan was breached, Quan Bin and others sat around and feasted day and night. They didn't understand the soldiers and their subordinates fought for the people, and the people in Sichuan and Sichuan suffered greatly.
Cao Bin repeatedly asked the army to go back and detain him, but Quan Bin didn't listen. Before long, the whole division made an insurrection and led hundreds of soldiers. Cao Bin and Liu Guangyi defeated the enemy again in Xinfan, and finally put down the Sichuan-Sichuan Uprising.
At that time, your generals plundered slaves, women, money and other valuables, and Cao Bin only had books and clothes in his bag. After Li arrived, he learned all about the situation and handed Quan Bin over to the relevant officials (disposal).
Cao Bin was believed to be honest and upright, and was awarded the mission of Xuanhui South Hospital and the mission of our Yicheng Army. When Cao Bin went to the imperial court to see the emperor, he declined politely: "All the soldiers and men were convicted in this crusade against Shu, and only I was rewarded. I am afraid it will not inspire the whole army. "
Song Taizu said, "You have made great contributions, but you don't brag about your contributions. If you have a small mistake, won't Ren Shan and others say anything? " ? Punishment and persuasion are the normal state of the country, and there is no need to give in. "Cao Bin is very kind and humble. He never goes against the will of the emperor in the court, and he doesn't say other people's faults.
Attack Shu and southern Tang, not for yourself. The position is the same, and you don't need rank majesty to highlight your differences.
When you meet a scholar-bureaucrat on the road, you must drive to make way for him. An unknown small official always reports things, so he must dress up before receiving them.
During his tenure, he served the clan and had no remaining savings.
4. There are three questions in reading the answer 1 * * *. From what aspects does the article describe Huang Kan? Please give examples separately. (4 points) Reference Answer ① The article describes Huang Kan from three aspects: the madness of people with lofty ideals, the passion of celebrities and the rigor of literati. (2) For example: A. The madness of people with lofty ideals: Write an article "Chaos, a panacea for saving China" to attack the corruption of the Qing court and support the revolutionary wave. B. the passion of a celebrity: during his teaching at central university. There have been many conflicts with the doorman. C. rigor of scholars: the books taught have been repeated dozens of times, with almost no mistakes, and they are unwilling to write easily, thus educating students to learn endlessly. The test center examines students' ability to screen information and grasp the meaning of the text. To solve this problem, we should first read the full text according to the requirements of the stem, screen out the sentences with reasonable information in the original text, and then refine them. The analysis of the text "the madness of a man with lofty ideals and the passion of celebrities" is probably the root of his temperament "is a transitional sentence, from which we can get the answer. According to what Huang Kan said in paragraph 7, what are the characteristics of China's study, what attitude should he adopt and what contribution should he make? (Answer in your own words) (5 points) Reference answer 1 The characteristics of China's study are extensive, all-encompassing and endless; 2 attitude towards research: being rigorous, serious and realistic, not deceiving the world, not stealing fame, and having awe; ③ Contribution: Seek truth from facts by doing research and be responsible for future generations. The test center examines students' ability to grasp the local meaning. Analyze the relevant sentences in paragraph 7, and then find out according to your own understanding. Academic attitude: first, don't lie, second, people who don't know are ignorant, third, don't recite what they have learned, and fifth, don't steal; Contribution: Fourth, be responsible for future generations. 2 1. What is the author's intention to describe Huang Kan in this way? (6 points) Reference Answer ① Describe the rich personality of the characters from many aspects, so that readers can have a more comprehensive understanding of the biography. ② It embodies the authenticity of biographical literature. (3) In order to express the need of the theme of the article, the theme of the article is to depict Huang Kan's crazy, stubborn and rigorous personality, and naturally choose some interesting stories to write. The examination center examines and evaluates the author's material selection ability and expression skills. The analysis of the author's selection and expression features is to show Huang Kan's madness and \.
5. The answer to reading, learning and being a man is learning and being a man (abridged). Liang Qichao asked you why you went to school, and everyone would answer that you were studying. When asked why you study, everyone will have a different answer, or you can't answer it yourself. Gentlemen! Let me answer for you: "Be a man for learning." Human psychology consists of three parts: knowledge, emotion and intention. These three parts are fully developed, and our ancestors called them three dads-wisdom, benevolence and courage. Why is it called "Dade"? Because these three things are the common moral standards of human beings, it is necessary to be a person. How is the completion of the three things? Confucius said, "The knower is not confused, the benevolent is not worried, and the brave is not afraid." Therefore, education should be divided into three aspects: intellectual education, emotional education and intentional education. How can I not be confused? The most important thing is to cultivate our judgment. First, we should have considerable common sense. Besides, we must have a special understanding of what we want to do. Further, we must have the wisdom to break through when things go wrong. If a person doesn't even have common sense, he will hear thunder and say it's thunder and thunder, and when he sees an eclipse, he will say it's toad's greed. Then, he must know nothing. If he encounters a little difficult problem, he will rely on asking God for help. The so-called "mystifying" has become the most pitiful person. The primary school in the school teaches people to have a lot of basic common sense and not to grope for everything secretly. But a little common sense is not enough. As a person, we should always have a special career. This is professional knowledge. But it is not enough to rely on this common sense and knowledge. Only by developing universal wisdom can we have a fundamental judgment. Common sense and general wisdom mentioned above are the elements and purposes of intellectual education. Why don't benevolent people worry? To understand this truth, we must first know the outlook on life of China's sages. The word "benevolence" is mostly contained in the Confucian outlook on life. We never worry more than two ends, one is about success or failure, and the other is about gain or loss. If we have a "benevolent" outlook on life, we won't worry about success or failure. Why? Because we know that the universe and life will never be perfect, it is in this never-perfect universe that we can always create evolution. What we have done is just to advance one inch or two inches in the long journey of the evolution of the universe. Where is it worthy of success? But what about not doing it? If you don't do it, you can't move. That was a real failure. Different people have different opinions, and wise people have different opinions. They think that failure is only if they don't do it, and they will not fail if they are willing to do it. Therefore, the Book of Changes says that a gentleman will strive for self-improvement. Moreover, if we have a "benevolent" outlook on life, we will not be swayed by considerations of gain and loss. Why? Because this thing is mine, there are gains and losses. Even personality does not exist alone and cannot be clearly divided, but where can we have our things? Of course, there is nothing to gain. I just study for the sake of studying, and work for the sake of working. I don't take study and labor as a means to achieve a certain goal-I can gain something for us. If you want to have this outlook on life, what are the gains and losses to worry about? How can I not be afraid? Without confusion and worry, fear will definitely be reduced a lot. But it's a matter of will. If a person's willpower is weak, he will have rich knowledge. If he can't use it temporarily, he will have a good feeling and change his mind temporarily. But how can his will be strong? The first thing is to be clear-headed. Mencius said that honesty is paramount. Everyone should keep courage and all actions should be made public. This is the first thing. The second thing is not to be bound by inferior desires. If you are distracted by material boredom, all steelmaking will become soft. In short, a person's will will will change from strong to weak and from weak to strong. What can you do if you can't be your own master? Only by struggling can we be free. When your will is honed, it depends on what you should do. You don't hesitate to pick it up and do it "Although thousands of people are going to die." Only in this way can we become a world and never fall behind. This is the purpose of education, teaching people to be brave and fearless. Gentlemen! Do you doubt now? Is it boring? Sadness and pain? Think you can't resist the oppression from outside? I tell you, because you don't know, you will be confused; You are sad and miserable because you are heartless and worried; If you think you can't resist external oppression, then you are afraid because you are not brave. This is that your knowledge, feelings and intentions have not been cultivated, so you have not become an individual. I hope you have a painful consciousness! With consciousness, it will be automatic. Gentlemen, wake up! Whether you are an adult or not depends on these years! 1922 65438+February (selected from reading famous articles-Chinese and foreign speeches) 1 1. What does the author think is the relationship between learning and being a man? What is the standard of "being a person"? A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _12. What does the author think of "How can I not be confused"? What is the truth of "the benevolent does not worry"? Try to sum up every point. A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _13. What are the characteristics of the discussion and demonstration in the main part of this paper? What's the use of writing like this? A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _14. What rhetorical devices are used in the last two sections? Try to analyze its expression function. A: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Reference answer: 1 1, causality. Wisdom, benevolence and courage are combined into one, so that those who know are not confused and those who are benevolent. 4 there is a fundamental judgment. (2) Benevolence's Confucian outlook on life holds that the universe and life will never be perfect, so inaction is failure, and willingness to do it will not fail. Therefore, we will not worry about success or failure. (2) Benevolence's Confucian outlook on life holds that there is nothing we have and there is no gain or loss, so we will not worry about gain or loss. 35438+03, citing Confucius as the central argument, each layer starts with a question, which is not only coherent, but also makes people think. 14, rhetorical question, parallelism, address, etc. The continuous rhetorical questions are sharp and thought-provoking, and these three sentence patterns of "... because of you ..." form a parallel, firm answer, not only insightful, but also full of * * and strong momentum.
6. Sang Mi also heard that there were more than ten thieves in Xiangcheng, who went alone with swords, killed several thieves and tied up the rest.
Therefore, there was no theft in Rupang County, and the Jingxi envoy brought the matter to court. Sangzhou was made the governor of Tancheng. Although he is a scholar, Sang Zhou is not knowledgeable, but he acts reasonably, and most of his deeds are like this. (Sang Yi) When I first lived in Qiu Yong, I was caught in a flood and had to ship two meters of grain.
Finding people fleeing from the flood, they abandoned food and transported it by boat. Seeing that the people are old, they gather in the village to support them until they have no food to eat.
Mulberry clothes are good at using swords and iron pieces. His strength can reach several people and he is very resourceful. Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me a reward.
7. Sang Mi also heard that there were more than ten thieves in Xiangcheng, who went alone with swords, killed several thieves and tied up the rest. Therefore, there was no theft in Rupang County, and the Jingxi envoy brought the matter to court. Sangzhou was made the governor of Tancheng. Although he is a scholar, Sang Zhou is not knowledgeable, but he acts reasonably, and most of his deeds are like this.
(Sang Yi) When I first lived in Qiu Yong, I was caught in a flood and had to ship two meters of grain. Finding people fleeing from the flood, they abandoned food and transported it by boat. Seeing that the people are old, they gather in the village to support them until they have no food to eat. Mulberry clothes are good at using swords and iron pieces. His strength can reach several people and he is very resourceful.
Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward! Give me some reward!
8. The original text of Sang Mi El Shisan and its translation.
I was scared. I heard that there were ten thieves in Xiangcheng, so I took a sword by myself, killed several people and tied the rest. You Pangjun did not steal, and Jingxi transported Qin to give it to the governor of Tancheng. . Although I am a scholar and don't know much about books, what I do is reasonable, and there are many such things. When I first lived in Qiu Yong, I was flooded, and there was a millet that would be transported by boat. Seeing that the people fled, they abandoned the millet and took the people by boat. Seeing that there are few people, gather people inside and feed them. Xiaomi is the end. A good sword and an iron sword ⑦, many people have strategies. (Selected from Ouyang Xiu's Collection of Ouyang Wenzhong's Official Documents, with deletion)
Edit this paragraph comment.
1 Mulberry: name. ② Xiangcheng: Place name. The following places, such as Pang County, Tancheng and Qiu Yong, are local names. ③ Jingxi transfer ambassador: official name. The following commandant is also an official name. 4: granary. ⑤ Li nationality: fellow villagers. 6 feeding: support. ⑦ Iron sheet: long and narrow iron sheet.
Edit the translation of this paragraph.
Sang Zhou also heard that there were more than ten thieves in Xiangcheng. One man went with a sword, killed several thieves and tied up the rest. Therefore, there was no theft in Rupang County, and the Jingxi envoy brought the matter to court. Sangzhou was made the governor of Tancheng. Although he is a scholar, Sang Zhou is not knowledgeable, but he acts reasonably, and most of his deeds are like this. (Sang Yi) When I first lived in Qiu Yong, I was caught in a flood and had to ship two meters of grain. Finding people fleeing from the flood, they abandoned food and transported it by boat. Seeing that the people are old, they gather in the village to support them until they have no food to eat. Mulberry clothes are good at using swords and iron pieces. His strength can reach several people and he is very resourceful.
9. Translation of Gu Xianzhi's Ersanshi I don't know what the landlord's Ersanshi is, so I'll translate Gu Xianzhi's biography for you, hoping it will help you.
Gu Xian, a scholar, was born in Wu Jun. Grandfather Gu Kaizhi, general of Zhenjun in the Southern Dynasties and Song Dynasty, was the secretariat of Xiangzhou. When Gu Xianzhi was seventeen or eighteen, the state government recruited him as a grass, and he was admitted to a scholar. He has been promoted to Prince Sheren, Shangshu and Fujun. Song, Yuan and Hui merchants were all Jiankang county decrees. At that time, someone stole the ox, and the ox was recognized by the owner, but the thief also claimed that the ox was his own. The lawsuits and evidence of the two families are the same, and the former county magistrate can't make a judgment. When Gu Xianzhi arrived, he turned the paper over and said to the two families, "Stop it, I know what to do." So he ordered the cow to be untied and let it go wherever it went. The cow returned directly to the original owner's house, and the thief confessed. Gu Xianzhi used this method to expose criminals who did evil or hid it. At that time, people called him "God". He dealt fairly with the entreaties of powerful people and the corruption of officials according to law (refusing entreaties and cracking down on corruption and disability), never being partial or indulgent, being honest and frugal, trying his best to govern the government and winning the support of the people.
After Xiao Daocheng acceded to the throne, Gu Xianzhi was awarded the post of Hengyang secretariat. Before the trip, Hengyang plague was prevalent for many years, and many people died. Coffins are expensive, so people have to wrap the bodies in the name of reed mats and throw them on the side of the road. After Gu Xianzhi arrived, he informed his counties to look for relatives and friends of the deceased and asked them to bury all the deceased. If all family members died and people were sick and helpless, Gu Xianzhi took out his Dai Lu and sent servants to try to save them. According to local customs, when people are ill, they say it is a disaster brought by their ancestors. They are all digging graves and washing bones, saying that they are "except special". Xianzhi explained the difference between life and death and the different causes of disasters, so this custom was corrected. At that time, Wang Huan, the secretariat, went to various places to supervise affairs and found that only Hengyang had no lawsuit, so he said with emotion: "Gu Xianzhi educated the people to the extreme. If the whole country is like this, what else do I need to supervise! " Soon, Gu Xianzhi served as Qiu, engaged in corps commander. Later, he was interpreted as Dong Zhonglang's long history and was in charge of records.
County affairs. Lu, a man, was favored by Emperor Wu of Qi and built a mansion in Yuyao, which was very magnificent. After Gu Xianzhi arrived, let him tear down the last chapter. Lu later went back to his hometown to bury his mother, and all counties went to mourn for fear of war, but Gu Xianzhi ignored it. Lu hated his guts, but it was hard to hurt him in the end. When Gaozu succeeded to the throne, Gu Xianzhi fell ill and became more and more serious, so he insisted on returning to his hometown of Wu Jun. After two years in prison, he was awarded a doctorate at home. Although Gu Xianzhi worked in the local area for many years, he didn't have any possessions. When he came home, there were only walls around him and nothing else, so he inevitably fell into hunger and cold. After eight years in prison, he died at home at the age of 74.