Policy: policy, introduction: debut? ; ? Enter? ; ? Obviously, after that? ; ? After that? ; ? What happened afterwards? ; ? Behind? ; ? And after that? ; ? Then, at most: atmost? ; ? Maximum? ; ? Outside.
The important influence brought by the "double reduction policy";
1 and the influence of the double-drop policy on ordinary college students;
The winter of teaching and training industry is coming, what does this mean? The employment of ordinary college students will become more difficult, the competition for examination and compilation will become more intense, and the number of people who take part in postgraduate education will increase to a certain extent. For college students, I want to say think more, study in a targeted way, and think about what kind of value you can create.
2. What is the impact of the "double health" policy on ordinary families?
The impact on parents, education costs are low, children make up less lessons, per capita income is high, and happiness will be improved a lot. Influence on students The reduction of online class time will reduce the myopia rate, so it will become extremely important to manage the self-study time well and not make up lessons every day. The gap between children with poor ability and children with good ability is getting bigger and bigger.
3. The influence of the double-drop policy on the entrance examination for senior high school entrance examination;
In the end, the policy of "double health" has no effect on us. The purpose of making up lessons in primary schools in the past was to choose a good junior high school. Only with a good junior high school can you enter a good high school, and you will not be diverted to a vocational high school by the senior high school entrance examination. Vocational high schools will not be accepted by parents, and we also believe that vocational high schools will have strong social competitiveness in the future.
Those who get good grades in junior high school are also making up lessons. Those with poor grades can enter a better high school. If they enter a good high school, they will have a great chance of going to a good university. The results are not very good, make up lessons hard to avoid being diverted to vocational high schools. No matter how the double reduction policy is reduced, families who attach importance to their children's education will work hard and may even pay more.