What's wrong with people? What's wrong with people? What's wrong with people? What's the difference? It's necessary. それが?にぉける and other exchange principles. そのころらは, それが World の?だとじてぃた ...
Hitowa Nanika no Giseinashini Nanimo Erukoto Wadekinai.
Nanika Woeur. Kinjutsu Ni Okeru Toukakoukan no gensokuda.
Sonokoro Bokurawa, Sorega Sekai no Shinjitsu Dato Shinjiteita
If you don't pay, you won't get anything. If you want to get anything, you must pay the same price. This is the principle of equivalent exchange of alchemy. At that time, we were convinced that this was the truth of the world.
English: don't pay, and please be assured no, what, when it's the sea breath which has to get it and pay the equal price surely, I believe this is a principle of exchange with equivalent of alchemy, and that this is truth of the world then for us deeply.