Yan Shu, a poet in the Northern Song Dynasty, is famous for his honesty. At the age of fourteen, he was recommended to the emperor and became a child prodigy. The emperor summoned him and asked him to take the exam at the same time with more than 1000 Jinshi. As a result, Yan Shu found that she had just practiced the exam ten days ago, so she truthfully reported to Zhenzong and asked to change other topics. Song Zhenzong appreciated Yan Shu's honesty very much and named him "fellow scholar". When Yan Shu takes office, the world is at peace.
Therefore, Beijing officials, large and small, often go to the suburbs or hold various banquets in restaurants and teahouses in the city. Yan Shu was poor and had no money to go out to eat, drink and have fun, so she had to read and write articles with her brothers at home. One day, Zhenzong promoted Yan Shu as the official of the East Palace who assisted the prince in his studies. Ministers were surprised and didn't understand why Zhenzong made such a decision.
Zhenzong said, "Recently, the ministers often play and have banquets. Only Yan Shu studies behind closed doors, so she is cautious in self-esteem and is the best candidate for the East Palace official. " Yan Shu thanked him and said, "I am actually a person who likes to play and eat, but my family is poor." If I had money, I would have taken part in the banquet tour. " These two things made Yan Shu establish prestige in front of ministers, and Song Zhenzong trusted him more.
Story about Honesty 2: The Story of Soong Ching Ling
One Sunday, after breakfast, Soong Ching Ling's family was going to visit a friend of his father, Song Yaoru. Hearing this, Xiao Qingling jumped three feet for joy. She likes to go to that uncle's house best. It's beautiful that my uncle keeps pigeons at home. That uncle also said that he would give her one! Xiao Qingling was about to go out with her father when she suddenly remembered to teach her good friend Xiaozhen to make a flower basket and stopped.
Xiao Qingling told her father about it. Both her father and her sister asked Qingling to teach Xiaozhen to make a flower basket tomorrow, but Qingling said that she would teach her everything today. Father was very happy and told other children to learn from Qingling. My father went to a friend's house and told him about it. My uncle was very happy. He also asked his father to bring back two pigeons as a reward for Xiao Qingling.
Story 3 about Honesty: The Story of Kong Shengdong
From 65438 to 0986, the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Communist Youth League issued a proposal to the members of the province, contributing to the fundamental improvement of social atmosphere. When he was young, Kong Shengdong wanted to do something for the masses with his bicycle repair skills. So, he immediately took action, and every Saturday night at 7: 00 10, the Communist Youth League volunteered to repair bicycles. He never charges a penny for repairing cars. The owner was in a hurry, and the car was difficult to repair at the moment, so he lent it to others.
In this way, 1995 Spring Festival, Kong Shengdong's father was seriously ill, and he only stayed with his father for two days, because the third day was Saturday. The day after his father died happened to be Saturday. Although there were many things, he made up for it consciously for one night. 18 years, no matter what, he has never rested!
Story 4 about honesty:
/kloc-in the 0 th and 7 th centuries, there was a prince in the German army. He was a brother with his subordinates and was deeply loved by soldiers and officers at all levels. On the way home after a failed attack on a country, it was already late at night in winter. Cold and hunger afflicted him and some of his soldiers. In a state of extreme cold and hunger, the prince slowly fell asleep. In his sleep, the prince dreamed that the sun was unusually bright and warm. He woke up to find himself covered with many coats and his life went on. Looking around, his men covered the prince with their coats, and all the coats were frozen to death.
Story about honesty 5:
In the early years, few foreigners set foot in the southern foothills of the Himalayas in Nepal. Later, many Japanese people came here for sightseeing, which is said to be because of the honesty of a teenager. One day, several Japanese photographers invited a local teenager to buy beer, and the teenager ran for more than three hours.
The next day, the boy offered to buy them beer. The photographers gave him a lot of money this time, but the boy didn't come back until the afternoon of the third day. As a result, photographers talked about it and thought that the boy cheated the money away. On the third night, the boy knocked on the photographer's door.
It turned out that he only bought four bottles of beer in one place, so he climbed a mountain, crossed a river, bought six more bottles, and broke three bottles when he came back. He took the broken glass in tears and returned the change to the photographer. All the people present were moved. This story deeply touched many foreigners. Later, more and more tourists came here.