Confucius’ famous saying: To know is to know, and to know is not to know, which is the meaning of knowing.
When pursuing knowledge, you must be honest and don’t pretend to understand. The famous saying of Confucius, “Knowing is knowing” , I don’t know what I don’t know, what does it mean to know?
To put it simply, we can only evaluate or answer things and knowledge that we understand. We should not answer things and knowledge that we don’t understand. This is what a wise person should do. Knowing is knowing and not knowing is not knowing. What kind of attitude does it reflect in Confucius?
If you know, you know, if you don’t know, you don’t know. This is a smart attitude. To know is to know, and to not know is to know. This means just.
To know is to know, and to not know is not to know. This is the real wisdom. To know is to know and not to know is not to know. This is also answered from the perspective of Confucius.
People must be humble.
To know is to know and not to know is not to know. This is knowledge. The meaning of this sentence
Knowing means knowing, and not knowing means not knowing. This is wisdom. The word zhi in the sentence "is zhiye" behind you is Tongjia, which is translated as "wisdom". Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, it is knowing - famous sayings with the same meaning
hjugjkyhkyluk Knowing is knowing, not knowing is not knowing, it is knowing, and the meaning of "yes" is: demonstrative pronoun, " "This way" means.
The last "zhi" is connected with "wisdom".
It is knowledge that is: this is the attitude of wisdom. Confucius said: "You, teach your daughter to know it! Knowing it means knowing it, not knowing it means not knowing it, it is knowledge." Meaning
Confucius said: "Zi You, teach you a principle about knowledge. Knowing It means knowing, not knowing means not knowing, this is wisdom. "Knowing is knowing and not knowing is not knowing is a similar saying. 1 A gentleman does not hide his shortcomings. If he doesn't know, he will ask, and if he can't, he will learn. (Dong Zhongshu, Han Dynasty)
2. Smart and eager to learn, and not ashamed to ask questions. (Spring and Autumn Period, Confucius)
3. The enemy of learning is your own satisfaction. To learn something seriously, you must start from not being complacent. (***)
4. Pretending to understand even though you don’t understand, you are just a loser. (slang)